bailout opinion

Who thinks it is?

It's little more than a power grab and excuse to ram through a whole bunch of junk using fear as a motivator.

There are a lot of things in the bill that *could* or *could not* be good things in there own. They have nothing to do with 'stimulus' though. They should be brought up, debated, budgeted, passed or rejected on their own. Maybe they fly, maybe they don't. But burying them all in a huge bill, calling it 'stimulus' or 'jobs' or whatever and then using FUD as a political hammer to push it through is just dishonest.
Who thinks it is?

It's little more than a power grab and excuse to ram through a whole bunch of junk using fear as a motivator.

There are a lot of things in the bill that *could* or *could not* be good things in there own. They have nothing to do with 'stimulus' though. They should be brought up, debated, budgeted, passed or rejected on their own. Maybe they fly, maybe they don't. But burying them all in a huge bill, calling it 'stimulus' or 'jobs' or whatever and then using FUD as a political hammer to push it through is just dishonest.

This X 1000

I'm not a economist, but it seems like throwing gasoline on a fire to me.

The best way to get out of debt being to spend lots and lots of money just seems like something that is going to kick everyone even harder in a couple years.

It's as if they can't pay their credit card bills and are having a hard time paying rent because of it, so they decide to get a whole bunch of new credit cards to pay for everything, anyone that thinks it is a bad idea gets a new plasma tv if they quit arguing and join the party.
It was just one more way for Bush to raid the public purse to give more unaccountable money to his friends. Unfortunately, Obama doesn't yet have the courage to do what's necessary and go the Swedish route. When Sweden had its banking crisis the deal wasn't to simply shovel money at into the trough for the same hogs. If the people were paying the bills the people got a fair-market equity stake.
It was just one more way for Bush to raid the public purse to give more unaccountable money to his friends. Unfortunately, Obama doesn't yet have the courage to do what's necessary and go the Swedish route. When Sweden had its banking crisis the deal wasn't to simply shovel money at into the trough for the same hogs. If the people were paying the bills the people got a fair-market equity stake.

er.. what? That past-tense bailout was Bush, sure.

But the future tense bailout (or has it been passed today?) is all OBAMA.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

My opinion on BOTH of them? They are complete, utter

Its funny how everyone that was lockstep behind the bailout is so against a stimulous. No... its friggin hilarious.
Its funny how everyone that was lockstep behind the bailout is so against a stimulous. No... its friggin hilarious.

Not quite. Remember the first bailout actually failed in Congress the first tme it was voted on, due in no small part to Bush's own party but it was the Democrats (Pelosi) who were really driving it in Congress.

But deals were made, so it passed next time round.

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