Bad news and more bad news

Thanks for sharing more information. Though it's not happy news, I'm pleased that you have been careful and thorough. I sure support your decision to follow doctors' orders about training, but hope you are able to find a path that keeps your head and heart involved with Taekwondo.

There's ample research out there about how your health is influenced by your mental and emotional state. Having poured your heart and soul into Taekwondo these many years, I hope you give thought to how to keep your heart and brain active as you follow orders to recover your body.
It's not good for you if your brain and passion stagnate.

Physically, I suggest taking the long view. You only really done when you die. Otherwise, doing what you can is the winning play. We all get to deal with increasing limits on what we can do; you're just a bit ahead of me on this path. I look forward to learning about you setting a positive example, sir.

I don't have a lot to add, you've been given lots of sound advice from your doctors and others here.

I'll pray for you that you are able to find some clearness on how to go forward, continue with some form of training and teaching (though perhaps in a different form than what you've been doing).

I'll pray that you find a way forward to better health.

Most improtantly I'll pray that where ver your path takes you, you find happiness.

You're a good man and I'm sure you'll find some acceptable solution to the quandries you're facing.

While I don't have a problem with getting a second opinion at times, you have your doctor because you have faith in him, and because he has the credentials you were looking for when you went to him. Take his advice seriously, even if you go get a second opinion, or at least until you get that opinion and it differs, and then, keep his advice until you get a third opinion that agrees with one or the other of the first two opinions.

You can still participate in the school, still be the head instructor, and not get up in front and do the kicks, punches, etc. in front of the classes. You have very capable support staff that can do that part, with you sitting on the side lines giving direction and controlling the environment.

The conditions you have listed in your post here tell me that you VERY much need to listen to your doc, and if you do, you still have the potential for a long life of doing other things in the arts.
My doctors have advised me to stop training because of the stress on my heart.

I'm sorry to hear that Terry, that's one of my biggest fears too, but it's my knees not my heart. I hope either the doc ends up being wrong, or you can find a way to adapt to your new limitations.

Can one still be the head instructor if he never trains anymore?

In my opinion as a student and occasional teacher (in the past) I would say - YES. You can still see when/where a student is doing something incorrectly and correct them, still set the standards for how something should be done. I'm assuming you have some high ranking students you could use to demonstrate techniques that the doc won't let you now, so that is covered.

Maybe use this time to document your teaching and training methods, theories and so on, make sure that if you do need to pass on the torch it will be done as you think it should be. I'm sure your students would appreciate having it.

Clearly teaching is a huge part of your life and very important to you, I don't think you should give it up completely, work within whatever limitations you may now have, but don't stop.
Terry, maybe it's time to change your training. Step back a pace; teach new coaches rather than coaching yourself.

And maybe it's time to consider taking up a different style, like taiji that may not place the same demands on your body.
I'm really sorry to hear this, Terry. I know how much martial arts means to you. Ultimately it is a hobby which enriches your life. It must not be turned into something which damages or ends it.

Get a second opinion if you feel you need one. But resist the temptation to shop for the doctor who will tell you what you want to hear. Do what you have to and either come back to it later or find something else. The time you've spent in TKD hasn't been wasted.
First off I would like to thank everyone for there well wishes, secondly I got to sit down with another person that has major health issue and we talked about everything. The nottom line is simple follow the doc. orders and get better. I will go to my school but will have less activity and leave alot of the training to my lovely wife and my okdest son Zachary, I am confidant they can handle the load. I will become more of a student in learning how to build a better body and get mentally tougher.

This will not be easy but it will be what needs to be done until everything gets back to a more simpler base.
First off I would like to thank everyone for there well wishes, secondly I got to sit down with another person that has major health issue and we talked about everything. The nottom line is simple follow the doc. orders and get better. I will go to my school but will have less activity and leave alot of the training to my lovely wife and my okdest son Zachary, I am confidant they can handle the load. I will become more of a student in learning how to build a better body and get mentally tougher.

This will not be easy but it will be what needs to be done until everything gets back to a more simpler base.

This will probably the toughest lesson to learn ever.
Perhaps talk to some of the many older grand masters who cannot train any more for the same reasons. Not being able to train does not mean one cannot teach and demonstrate everything they've learned.
First off I would like to thank everyone for there well wishes, secondly I got to sit down with another person that has major health issue and we talked about everything. The nottom line is simple follow the doc. orders and get better. I will go to my school but will have less activity and leave alot of the training to my lovely wife and my okdest son Zachary, I am confidant they can handle the load. I will become more of a student in learning how to build a better body and get mentally tougher.

This will not be easy but it will be what needs to be done until everything gets back to a more simpler base.

It's gona be a dificult task but I think you can make it. Definetively been apart of your dojang would harm you most than just sit and see the classes and asist your wife and son.

My sambunim is in good shape (he's 56 if I recall) and he gives his class teaching not working out with the students (he does spining and swiming), I think you can do the same and I mean to put on your dobok and belt (you are the man) and just asist and do some lecture tpo your students leave the physical thing to your son.

I will pray for you every time I step inside dojang (when doing meditation) to ask Lord to give you the strenght to teach and get better health.

So sorry to hear this. Keep working with your docs to figure out the best course of action. I hope your condition improves.
Have you considered exploring tai chi, quigong or similar? If your heart is the problem, these can keep you training without straining the old ticker....
First off I would like to thank everyone for there well wishes, secondly I got to sit down with another person that has major health issue and we talked about everything. The nottom line is simple follow the doc. orders and get better. I will go to my school but will have less activity and leave alot of the training to my lovely wife and my okdest son Zachary, I am confidant they can handle the load. I will become more of a student in learning how to build a better body and get mentally tougher.

This will not be easy but it will be what needs to be done until everything gets back to a more simpler base.

I am sorry to hear about this Terry but I think you are approaching this from the right direction; Health first

Besides if I’m ever in Texas I need to stop by and meet the Martial Talk Ultimate Post Whore Extreme face to face :D

Have you considered exploring tai chi, quigong or similar? If your heart is the problem, these can keep you training without straining the old ticker....


If you do look to Taiji or Qigong, and this may be a good plan, check with your doctor first.

But if Taiji is ok I suggest looking to Traditional Yang Style or Cheng Manching Yang Style. You may want to avoid Chen and Zhaobao. I do not know much about Sun but Southern/Northern Wu might not be good due to the stance. As for Wu/Hao, I really don’t know what to say there either. My flavor of Yang style has a fast form that is a combination of Wu/Hao and Yang and I do not think that one would be a good idea at this time, But form the Wu/Hao I have seen that might not be a bad choice either.

As for Qigong, I highly recommend looking for a well trained and highly qualified teacher. There are a lot of people out there claiming to be Qigong teachers just because they know a lot of Qigong forms, however they have no depth to what they teach, just the Qigong dance.

If you think I can be of any assistance here please feel free to PM me.
Terry, I don't have much to add other than to wish you well.

I remember 20 years ago I hit a tree skiiing, was near death and broke more things than I knew I had. At the time Doctors told me about alot of the things I wouldn't be doing and for a long time I couldn't. I focused on getting well. It sounds like your health challenges are formidable, but I have to think that even moderate exercise is good for your heart and lungs.

If your contributions to is forum is as I suspect a small representation of your knowledge and passion for this art, you can continue to benefit your students greatly without any physical activity. Take Care
Just getting caught up on MT after a crazy week.

Sorry to hear of your situation Terry! You've gotten some good advice here and I am sure your doctors are competent. You are in a d*mned if you do and d*mned if you don't do TKD situation. That alone would drive me nuts.
I have no sage advice to office but it seems you already have your answer as to what you need to do. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I agree with what has been said here that you need to make
your health a priority and you can still be involved in whatever capacity
your health will allow you to be.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Many MT posters have said lots of things I would have said, and I greatly hope their kind words are helping to take off some weight and gravity from the situation. Being ill is a tough thing, but as you struggle on please know there are many of us out here rooting for you. If in the end you really can't do the hard physical stuff, please keep teaching us through your writing.

I have been busy at work. Just read this thread. Get healthy Terry we are all pulling for you....

My doctors have advised me to stop training because of the stress on my heart. This bothers me because training has been a big part of my life for the last thirty years. He says I need to be more worried abouy my health and well being instead of my school, I really cannot even imagine not being able to train even a little or teaching my students. My wife has been doing alot of the training the last year with the help of my oldest Zachary but I always feel the need to get out there to show techniques every now and then. Can one still be the head instructor if he never trains anymore? I have a big problem with this and my doc. knows it but what am I suppose to do? Well I guess I will get though Nationals and see what happens after the weekend of July 4th.

I'm sorry to hear that.

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