Bad Bathroom Habits......

I agree with Bob about Wallmarts ... yick. I also use my foot to flush, and use paper towels to open the door. I also have a thing about using LOTS of soap in the public restroom when washing my hands. I see people who wash their hands in just water. That's just as bad as not even washing :barf:
Here's another complaint: Is it so hard to use actual paper to blow your nose? Last public john I was in had a huge booger display on the wall over the urinals. I mean, ick!
i avoid public restrooms as much as possible, and last summer when George and i went on a road trip, i swear he was ready to kill me cus i would have to pee but we would have to go to 5 different stops before i found one i could actuly use, and this was a cross country drive so it happend often.... ahh the horse stance has been used many many times when waiting just wasnt an option.
Ya, at least men are able to stand for No. 1.

But then, our restrooms are usually somewhat more filty because of that ability.
but I hear ya Bob. I even go as far as taking a paper towel with me to open the door with when leaving the restroom. I figure, what is the use of me washing my hands and then touching something someone else touched who didn't.

I do the same thing. There are people here at the office that don't wash their hands. I find that very disgusting. :barf:

Also, I go wash my hands after training. No rubbing eyes, face, or anything (if I can help it) until after I can wash them.
Bigshadow, we do that, too. We train in a rec center. My instructor and I fight over the one bathroom they have to wash up. She usually wins, though LOL. I do get my turn. At least, the bathroom in the Rec center is kept clean. That bathroom is so much cleaner than any public restroom I've seen. And it even as a sign on the wall that says, "Did you wash your hands? PLEASE DO!!!" I have a feeling that my instructor (being a nurse for her day job) put it there. I never asked her, though.
about 10 years ago, i attended a wedding in london. waiting for a train, i had to use the restroom - no question about being able to wait.
so as i'm sat there, i notice the graffitti. after reading a few, i wanted to be scrubbed with bleach and rinsed off with a fire hose.

just thinking about it, makes me want to shower now
The worst by far are toilets at parks. The doors don't close, they rarely have toilet paper, or even toilet seats, there is never soap or hand towels and they're so dark.
Apparently the germiest thing is when you actually flush the toilet as it sends poo particles up in to the air. If there's no lid, flush the toilet and get out of there quick!!
I have a major problem with public toilets, they use cheap soap. I have a really sensitive dermititis and if I get soap on my fingers, evn if I wash it off with cold water, they crack and bleed. nice huh? I have to use soaps like Dove at home, but unfortuanately I can't carry a bar with me.

I carry wipes with me and use them in the cubicle, grab tissue and flush them then hold the tissue in my hand for the door handles. I know if I've got any nasty bugs on my hands, my fingers go red and sore. I'd prefer not to be so paranoid, but paranoia is there for a reason.
are festival toilets applicable to the thread? theres nothing quite like them!

Oh festival toilets are bad. I don't touch ANYTHING with my hands at those sort of places! The toilets at the last half marathon I went to were those sort.... yuck.
Oh festival toilets are bad. I don't touch ANYTHING with my hands at those sort of places! The toilets at the last half marathon I went to were those sort.... yuck.

Nothing like a portapotty that has been sitting out in the hot sun, baking (literally) and used by a variety of..umm..individuals.


and people wonder why I keep a bottle of hand sanitizer on me. :erg:
nothing can top the pyramid of.... well, if youve done festivals, youve seen the impossible!
would i do another festival without my own porta potty? nooooooooooooooooo i say
I avoid portapottys.....people who use them seem to lack the ability to aim it seems.
Then bring your own "traveljohn" and hand sanitizer. They do the job very well. I always carry a few of them in the car for my family (especially my kids) when travelling on the road and in my backpack whenever I go caving (where contamination of the environment isn't permitted).

- Ceicei

Edit: These don't have to be bought online. I've found it at various places for a *much cheaper* price, so you might be able to do the same. I've found them at places like sporting stores (Gart Brothers, Big 5, etc.), camping/outdoor recreational stores, department stores (such as KMart, WalMart, etc.) It can be done quite discreetly by females too, by placing it down one of your pants legs without the need to pull down your pants to do your business.
i found the most horrible restroom... a woman had actuly smeared the contents of her pad all over the toliet then left it on the sink... i was totaly discusted almost made me sick.:barf:
It can be done quite discreetly by females too, by placing it down one of your pants legs without the need to pull down your pants to do your business.
That makes it something akin to a colostomy bag but without the "insert" ... :lol:

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