Back Belt Pride or showing off?

caped crusader

Brown Belt
Oct 2, 2021
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I see there are threads already about tattoos in martial arts. Not against tattoos as I have some myself but is getting belts put "on your arm" taking it a bit too far? Or is it simply pride?
I find it funny. Would you do that with suspenders? (not both at the same time obviously, that's a fashion faux pas)
Being honest I think if he showed that arm in some places, Bars.. etc
It won't be long before he's testing his skills :p
I think that’s the back of his leg, not his arm.

Those are Bjj belts, and it doesn’t surprise me that someone would get such a tattoo. Bjj has a vibrant cultural side to it that a lot of people embrace. It’s VERY similar to surfer culture. I’ve considered some Bjj logo tattoos myself.
I think that’s the back of his leg, not his arm.

Those are Bjj belts, and it doesn’t surprise me that someone would get such a tattoo. Bjj has a vibrant cultural side to it that a lot of people embrace. It’s VERY similar to surfer culture. I’ve considered some Bjj logo tattoos myself.
Yeah it's a leg. Was on my mistake probably worse as it will be bigger than an arm tattoo. Bit cheesy if you ask me. Just my 2 Cents bros
Got a japanese mask on my right forearm. Was s Cover up job. Most of mine are old from 83 till early 90s. Tattoos were not like today. If I could do it again I would go for japanese sleeves
Would love to get a hand made one in Japan but a Tattooist told me it can cause scarring. Think the funniest moment was a Tattooist in Falkirk scotland. Was about 1982 when I went to his "STUDIO " which was a room in a run down building. Was drinking Whisky and tattooing a guy. Was a load of Skinheads in there drinking. One had a swastika tattooed between his eyes. Think he got that from a Film called made in Britain.
Anyway guy complained it hurt and he laughed, told him to love up then poured Whisky on his arm. We left ...haha
His outline on his tattoos was really thick & he liked to drag the needle. A guy showed me his work. Spider on his Hand had an extra leg. He said don't go too late when he's drunk... :D all changed now. Some good ink work out there.
I was more concerned with how hairy his "arms" were lol.

I see getting your belts tattooed no different than say a Marine getting an Eagle Globe and Anchor Tat or a SEAL getting his Trident tat. I wouldn't look at a Trident Tat and think that dudes showing off nor would I look at these belts and think that either. Besides even if he was whats wrong with showing off a little he's got a ton of money and time invested in attaining that rank. why not show it off.
I was more concerned with how hairy his "arms" were lol.

I see getting your belts tattooed no different than say a Marine getting an Eagle Globe and Anchor Tat or a SEAL getting his Trident tat. I wouldn't look at a Trident Tat and think that dudes showing off nor would I look at these belts and think that either. Besides even if he was whats wrong with showing off a little he's got a ton of money and time invested in attaining that rank. why not show it off.
IMO, military groups, especially elite, do not get inked (with unit logos) to show off how badass they are. It's to show honor to something beyond themselves that they share with others. (An organizational tattoo may do this.)

Putting your MA rank on your arm, leg or butt, is personal aggrandizement, like the guy at the bar that tells everyone how tough he is. Why not just wear your belt outside? Seems rather immature to me. Would a professor get a tat saying, "I'm a PhD."?

Rank is not meant to share with others. In fact, the higher the rank, the less inclination one should have to advertise it. One of the things rank indicates is learned humility. In Oriental TMA, such a gross display of rank or skill is the antithesis of what it represents, the "do." There is an MA saying, "Keep your fist inside your sleeve." Its meaning can be extended and applied here.

This is just my opinion and how I personally view MA. Rank outside the gym should be expressed by one's demeanor and actions. If these things are lacking, any ink on one's body is meaningless.
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IMO, military groups, especially elite, do not get inked (with unit logos) to show off how badass they are. It's to show honor to something beyond themselves that they share with others. (An organizational tattoo may do this.)
I like your take on it, as an expression of membership in a group. It's meant to have more meaning to individuals within the group than those outside the group, I think. So, yes, a club tattoo would be appropriate, but not a belt tattoo.
Putting your MA rank on your arm, leg or butt, is personal aggrandizement, like the guy at the bar that tells everyone how tough he is. Why not just wear your belt outside? Seems rather immature to me. Would a professor get a tat saying, "I'm a Ph do get some military tattoos like a lot in the British army got their blood group tattooed which to the trained eye gave them away. Remember we had terrorists bombing the UK too.
You do get the "walts" or in the USA stolen valour guys getting SEAL tattoos. In the UK SAS tattoos. No normal special forces gets it done. It's asking for trouble same as the Black Belt tattoo. But hey if people want it..up to them.
There is s group in the UK who Hunt them down. They love tattoos. But they never served...they usually get exposed because of their tattoos
IMO, military groups, especially elite, do not get inked (with unit logos) to show off how badass they are. It's to show honor to something beyond themselves that they share with others. (An organizational tattoo may do this.)
I dont know I served and trained with a bunch of SF guys in all branches. Most have no problem talking about how badass they are especially in a bar looking for women.
Putting your MA rank on your arm, leg or butt, is personal aggrandizement, like the guy at the bar that tells everyone how tough he is. Why not just wear your belt outside? Seems rather immature to me. Would a professor get a tat saying, "I'm a PhD."?
Are you equally against the Olympic Athletes that get the Olympic Rings tats?
Rank is not meant to share with others. In fact, the higher the rank, the less inclination one should have to advertise it.
says who? Then why have a rank system at all?
One of the things rank indicates is learned humility.
again says who?
In Oriental TMA, such a gross display of rank or skill is the antithesis of what it represents, the "do." There is an MA saying, "Keep your fist inside your sleeve." Its meaning can be extended and applied here.
This isn't about an Oriental TMA.
This is just my opinion and how I personally view MA. Rank outside the gym should be expressed by one's demeanor and actions. If these things are lacking, any ink on one's body is meaningl
In my opinion, it's his body and he can tattoo anything he wants to and it has nothing to do with his demeanor or actions. People get tattoos for all kinds of reasons. Especially when they are proud of an accomplishment ie. Olympians getting the rings tat. If this guy is a blackbelt he's prob. spent over a decade and 10s of thousands of dollars to get to that rank and he's proud of it. I have all kinds of tats and I don't get them for other people to look at I get them for me as a reminder of things Ive been through and done in my life.
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Maybe not in the UK but I know tons of Rangers, SEALs, Recon, Scout Sniper guys that have tats for their units and insignia.
Not saying all are fake and it's up to them. I wouldn't do it even in the USA given that there are people from certain countries moving freely who have motivation to attack the USA or UK.
You know what I mean. But again it's a Personal decision to make.