Autism scare a hoax

cdunn - assuming those studies are accurate and they are not the "smoking is not bad for you" variety, we still see rates several times higher for unvaccinated populations. Also, the focus on vaccines may be misleading as we may be dealing with a product of heavy metal exposure. If the population of unvaccinated people came from areas with high heavy metal exposure, we may see an increase in those populations because of that.

Lastly, I'm curious how people can be skeptical about vested interests and not point the finger of disbelief at the corporate whores in DC. If they claim something is safe, do we accept that reflexively and only apply skepticism to claims that challenge to this authority?
Lastly, I'm curious how people can be skeptical about vested interests and not point the finger of disbelief at the corporate whores in DC. If they claim something is safe, do we accept that reflexively and only apply skepticism to claims that challenge to this authority?
I dont I refused to give my kids or I the Swine Flu vac. last year after it was rushed into production and forced on kids at public schools. They made you send in a form if you didnt want your kids to have it not permission to give it to your kids. They were getting it unless you said no.
Amish Autism - 1 in 257 by standard diagnostic tools. It is noted that cultural factors may have lead to underreporting.

Chinese Autism - While Chinese news sources are always questionable, 1.8 million autistic children are reported. If we generalize to ~250 million children under 19 in China, that gives us an autism rate of about 1 in 140.

That 'raft of studies' are all from the gentlemen, the Geiers, who have pioneered the fine art of castrating children with autism. Their stake in the matter is $5000 per month per child. In 2004, Medicare standard reimbursement for the treatment when applied on-label for prostate cancer, endometriosis and precocious puberty was $611 per injection - with injections scheduled every 4 months.

What is the Amish study concluding? I assume the Amish have less exposure to vaccines, environmental toxins but they also have small genetic variation environmental or genetic?
What is the Amish study concluding? I assume the Amish have less exposure to vaccines, environmental toxins but they also have small genetic variation environmental or genetic?

The conclusions of the Amish study are this: "The Amish have autistic children. Amish culture is such that the Amish are less likely to self-report autistic symptoms, which may or may not confound our ability to establish a good number for the rate of autism within the Amish community."

That conclusion should lead us to infer that the Amish lifestyle does not provide adequate protection against the developmental errors that result in autism, and without further study, we cannot state that it provides any protection at all.

We do not currently have a proper understanding of the causes of autism. We do not have a proper understanding of the relationship between the mind and the physical structure that creates it.

We do have, however, correlations. There is a very strong heredity factor. We find that there is a genetic pathway that is involved in assembling the brain, and that there is a higher global number of variations that may result in poor effectiveness of that assembly in autistic people.

Now, since I'm not going to pay $32 for access to the whole article, I am linking through to a blog discussion of the article. While the blogger has his biases, and takes his shots at groups he (and I) believe are exploiting autistic children and their parents for their personal gain and egos, his science is consistent with all previous exposure to genetics I have seen.

Now, can the hereditary factors interact with the environment? Certainly. Do we have a proper understanding of the interaction between ourselves and our pollutants? It is incomplete. Observation of the appearance of autism symptoms indicates that it is not within any sensible dose-response timeline with vaccination, what with the symptoms often observable before vaccination. Could there be a prenatal response to maternal exposure? It's possible, and I am unaware of any studies on the matter. However, at this time, there is no evidence outside of anecdote that chelation of a child is a valid treatment for autism. Can a mercury response be evoked with a chelation agent? Certainly. If I had a time machine, I could go back in time, feed a member of Homo habilis DMSA and find mercury in his urine.
Medical Journal Exposes Study Linking Vaccines to Autism as Con Job: Your Move, Jenny McCarthy

by Dana Commandatore EXCERPT:
We all know that celebrities love to get behind a cause. Jenny McCarthy is no different. When her son was diagnosed with autism she made it her lifeÂ’s work. On the surface, it would seem that McCarthy was doing nothing but good by spreading autism awareness. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Instead, she formed an alliance with Andrew Wakefield based on a paper he published in the British medical journal, The Lancet, claiming a link between the MMR vaccine, inflammatory bowel disease and autism. McCarthy made sure she spread the word, loud and clear, that vaccines are not safe and cause autism. Unfortunately for her and everyone who listened, The Lancet retracted the study they published in 1998 in February 2010. Then, just this week, it was announced that Andrew Wakefield was not only wrong; he has been found guilty of elaborate fraud. Will McCarthy continue to support this charlatan or will she admit that she has been duped?
Autism is a complicated disease, however, I think we can point an arrow in a general direction toward heavy metal poisoning. This isn't the only cause, but a substantial body of research supports this conclusion.

Here's an article that I found interesting and links to some of the research.

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Elemental mercury when released by a dental amalgam is inhaled and (80 percent of it) absorbed by the lungs and retained in the body. Vaccine makers add thimerosal (which is half ethyl mercury) to vaccines to prevent bacterial contamination. This injected organic form of mercury is readily taken up by brain and heart muscle cells. Fish harbor another organic form of mercury — methyl mercury, which is obtained from plankton that synthesize it from inorganic mercury extracted from the sea.[/FONT]


[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Investigators have shown that there is a direct relationship between increasing doses of mercury in vaccines and autism. In the 1950s, with an immunization schedule limited to four vaccines (against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and smallpox), 1 in 10,000 children developed this disease. As vaccines for other diseases were added, health care providers began injecting increasingly larger doses of mercury into children. Those born in 1981 were given 135 micrograms of mercury (on average), and one case of autism occurred in every 2,600 children born that year. With the addition of hepatitis B vaccine (injected on the day of birth) and one for Haemophilus influenzae Type b, providers injected 246 micrograms of mercury into children born in 1996. Autism occurred in one out of every 350 of these children. Today, providers follow an immunization schedule, prepared by the CDC and approved by the AAP and AAFP, that includes 13 vaccines given, with variable numbers of booster shots, 33 times before a child reaches the age of 2 (when the development of the brain is completed). Autism now afflicts 1 in 100 boys and 1 in 400 girls, and physicians diagnose 100,000 new cases of this disease every year in the U.S (using diagnostic criteria, in the DSM-IV, that is more restrictive than the previous DSM-IIIR). Over the last 30 years more than one million children have come down with this disease, and currently one in every 68 families in America has an autistic child.

In 2008, the Indian Journal of Medical Research published a comprehensive study of Mercury exposure and they found that there is a direct link between low levels of mercury exposure and autism.

“emerging evidence supports the theory that some autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from a combination of genetic/biochemical susceptibility, specifically a reduced ability to excrete mercury (Hg), and exposure to Hg at critical developmental periods”
If this isn't enough to convince you to at least demand vaccines without mercury in them, I don't know what will. Even if I wasn't totally convinced (which I am), I still would do this for my children in order to limit the risks. In the end, you decide what is best and you live with that decision. Don't come crying to society for a handout because you didn't know the risks that might be involved.

Even the CDC, a captured government agency, totally beholden to the interests of the multinational corporations says that mercury levels in vaccines need to be lowered as a precaution.

However, in July 1999, the Public Health Service agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated in vaccines as a precautionary measure.
They knew that there might be problems back then. Now, ten years later, we have the evidence. I suspect what we are seeing in the opposition is a fear of litigation on behalf of the parents whose children were damaged by vaccines. IMO, all of the agencies who previously supported mercury in fillings and vaccines are critically contaminated with this bias.
My question in this deal would rather be why on earth is a heavy metal in a vaccine to begin with...
My question in this deal would rather be why on earth is a heavy metal in a vaccine to begin with...

The heavy metals kill bacteria that would grow in the inventory allowing the company to hold onto it longer. It's a question of money. It always is.
This landmark case could overturn congresses law that protects vaccine manufacturers from litigation. That they would lobby and pass such a law indicates that the corporations knew of these risks in advance. 25 years in advance.

Nearly 25 years ago, the U.S. Congress passed the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which exempts vaccine manufacturers from being liable for damages caused by their vaccines. The Act established an entirely new "legal" system to deal specifically with vaccine injury cases, handling each one in a special "vaccine court" that essentially just dismisses most cases as unwarranted.

The Act is entirely unconstitutional as no company or entity can legally be exempted from due process within the real legal system, but it was enacted anyway and has served as a shelter for vaccine companies to hide behind in order to avoid costly litigation. And since the medical industry as a whole continues to deny a link between vaccines and autism, for instance, the "vaccine courts" can just automatically go along with the notion and arbitrarily reject all autism-related vaccine cases as unsubstantiated.

But all that could change, depending on how the Supreme Court handles a case currently before it involving a young lady whose parents say she became permanently injured by a diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT) vaccine called Tri-Immunol that she received when she was a child. The Bruesewitz's say that Wyeth, the manufacturer of the DTP vaccine, knew about a safer version of the vaccine, but continued to sell the dangerous one anyway. Now their daughter Hannah requires costly, specialized care for the rest of her life.

"Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King
And for hospitals and medical organizations to be able to maintain stockpiles for emergency deployment...

If your child is the "broken egg" do you give a damn about this? Are we creative enough as a people to come up with another solution?
Are you implying that parents who have children injured by heavy metals in pharmaceuticals are only suing for money?

A number of them..yes. And a number will look for a doctor to diagnose so that they can get in on the money train. And lawyers will start "business models" to rake in the cash.
When mothers give birth to a disabled or sick child, the guilt is enormous. Despite all the evidence to the contrary and assurance that the mother had done nothing wrong during the pregnancy it won't make any difference. The condition could be due to genetics or could be completely random but the mother still feels it's her fault. she feels she should have done something to change or stop it, that it's her fault.

So apart from the natural wish for the best possible treatment for that child there is also the driving force of the mother's guilt grasping at every straw she can to cure her child. However outlandish, expensive or however much against her better judgement a treatment may be, the mere promise of a cure can convince. This leads parents open to every con or quack going or even those who genuinely believe they have found a cure. Sometimes too, the money is important, if awarded a huge amount in court against a company, it proves to everyone in the mothers mind that she isn't to blame, that she can say 'look it wasn't my fault' it was company X. Another reason the money may be the gaol is that parents are convinced that they can 'buy' the cure for their child, that if only they had enough money they would find the thing that makes their child right.
Not to mention the care for a disabled child can be enormously expensive.
It certainly helps to be able to afford it without having to live off of Ramen noodles for the rest of your life, not to mention that provisions have to be made for when the primary care givers can no longer fulfill this duty.
Dr, Peter Singer,

Peter Singer- Introduction
In 1993, ethicist Peter Singer shocked many Americans by suggesting that no newborn should be considered a person until 30 days after birth and that the attending physician should kill some disabled babies on the spot. Five years later, his appointment as Decamp Professor of Bio-Ethics at Princeton University ignited a firestorm of controversy, though his ideas about abortion and infanticide were hardly new. In 1979 he wrote, “Human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons”; therefore, “the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee.”1