Attention Male USAT athletes :Dont bother

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Irrelevant, I do not let my associations influence my objectivity.

Really than answer my question, who are you

I don't see why this matters. You can call it what you will.

It does matter one is a sport the other is for real

Yes, they are nice if you meet them. But you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes.

Really and you do? Please hide behind close doors is easy open it up and let the masses see you

What favors are these? Can you point out some specifics? I have yet to see these mythical matches were one of the Lopezs stole a win at team trials because of favors. Its always the same talk about Vlad, and Jason Han before him, and some of the new guys now; How the system is keeping them down. But every single time they step in the ring, the Lopezs make them look like complete amateurs.

Well we shall see in a week, remember I like them but I believe it is time for Steven to step down and let the young guns have there shot.

Just for the record you are so on the fence about everything what are you hiding?:erg::rofl:

Well we shall see in a week, remember I like them but I believe it is time for Steven to step down and let the young guns have there shot.

Again, you can't point me to these fights where either Mark or Steven got an undeserved placement on the US national team.

Sure, there are some fights in the upper levels of the World Championships where we could second guess the judges and point out where it swung in their favor likely without justification. The most obvious case is Mark's phantom point in the finals of the 2005 world championships. But unless anyone is claiming Mark paid off some French and Russian judges to accidently push the wrong button, I still don't know what anyone is talking about as far as the level playing field.

But tell me, why is it time for Steven to step down? For the novelty? For the amusement of having new people? So long as he is still capable of beating everyone else in the US, why stop? I suppose he will keep being on the national team until he either loses, or decides he doesn't want to compete anymore. I don't think someone should quit just because a few guys sitting there in the stands have grown bored of seeing him. Sorry to dissapoint you, but this sport isn't driven by fans.
let the masses see you

I am nobody, and you wouldn't know who I was even if I told you. Again, who I am is just as irrelevant as who you are. I have no idea who you are, neither do I care. You seem to keep pressing this point because you really have nowhere else to go. Unless you can find me some video of Mark or Steven getting his *** kicked at team trials, but he steals a win because of this mythical uneven playing field.

Tell me. One match. Just point out a single match where someone was denied a spot on national team unjustly in favor of Mark or Steven.
texkwondo you are right they have to do everything 10x better than everybody else. They get no cake walk, they compete at all events never getting the bye or anything, they never get that mystery point. Please I am not going to sit here and play your game remember you are nobody your words and I do not need to talk to nobody so when and if you become somebody let me know because my voice is more important to talk to nobody.
texkwondo you are right they have to do everything 10x better than everybody else. They get no cake walk, they compete at all events never getting the bye or anything, they never get that mystery point. Please I am not going to sit here and play your game remember you are nobody your words and I do not need to talk to nobody so when and if you become somebody let me know because my voice is more important to talk to nobody.

Whooo Smack Down for texkwondo a voice from the mist texkwondo?
texkwondo you are right they have to do everything 10x better than everybody else. They get no cake walk, they compete at all events never getting the bye or anything, they never get that mystery point. Please I am not going to sit here and play your game remember you are nobody your words and I do not need to talk to nobody so when and if you become somebody let me know because my voice is more important to talk to nobody.

Get over yourself. You really are not very important.

You are the one playing games. I have never seen a fight without a bad call our two. But you are claiming there is an international conspiracy to always allow the Lopez's to win regardless of what happens in the fight. Again, please direct me to these fights where a Lopez should have lost but pulled of the win because the judges were in love with them or whatever you are talking about.

You keep talking about these mystery freebies. Yet when it comes down to specific fights, Mark and Steven were the clear cut winners every time. Unless you can point out specific instances, rather than vague references, you are just full of it.
Get over yourself. You really are not very important.

You are the one playing games. I have never seen a fight without a bad call our two. But you are claiming there is an international conspiracy to always allow the Lopez's to win regardless of what happens in the fight. Again, please direct me to these fights where a Lopez should have lost but pulled of the win because the judges were in love with them or whatever you are talking about.

You keep talking about these mystery freebies. Yet when it comes down to specific fights, Mark and Steven were the clear cut winners every time. Unless you can point out specific instances, rather than vague references, you are just full of it.

Lets see back a few lines ago you even said mark got that mytery point at the end of the match, but that does not count. You said Nia won that match against Diana bu that does not count. I am nobody funny for being a nobody people sure do appreciate my opinions and such but since you are nobody you would never know. I am done with you so go this weekend stand up and cheer for whomever you like. Like I said Vald has come a long way over the last couple of years and so has alot of people lets see how and if the EPB make any difference this year.

All I know is the USAT stack the deck for certain people and have done so for a longtime, I have nothing against the Lopez family like I have said more than once I see them alot. I do know and so do alot of people that certain things never add up to what it should, never have taken anything away from any of them, they have talent never agrued that point what I ahve said and so many others is they seem to get alot of calls there way.

Have a wonderful and fantastic life and try to remember what and when you write something and for the record in my profile it will tell you everything about me. I can talk the talk and walk the walk, been doing this for almost fifty years so I have sen a few things over that time frame.:asian:
You are somebody to me Terry!!!

Mark and Steven are great fighters but the USAT gives them every advantage.

It is not a grand international conspiracy! The get every call in their favor in the US.
They get every advantage to make sure that they don't lose. I agree that Mark and Steven have not been seriously challenged! That is about to end! D. Lopes should have never been in the Olympics.

When Steven got a bad call in the 2008 Olympics his reaction was less than commendable and the reaction of the Team Lead was worse.
Get over yourself. You really are not very important.
You are the one playing games. I have never seen a fight without a bad call our two. But you are claiming there is an international conspiracy to always allow the Lopez's to win regardless of what happens in the fight. Again, please direct me to these fights where a Lopez should have lost but pulled of the win because the judges were in love with them or whatever you are talking about.

You keep talking about these mystery freebies. Yet when it comes down to specific fights, Mark and Steven were the clear cut winners every time. Unless you can point out specific instances, rather than vague references, you are just full of it.

From the time we were teenager's we were taught by our GM that tournament was never fair bias or mistakes always happen and if you did take 1st place luck had a certain amount to do with it. Best way to win was a knock out no more scores? I can tell you from 40 years of local, regional, state and even the last World event I officated at that favoritism and bias does exist. All of us non Korean judges at a world event witnessed and were told in advance that a Korean team had to win a certain event due to issues realted to funding in the finals we were not allowed to judge and score so we were allowed as agroup to score independantly. The US team cleary won and but was put in 3rd place behind the other teams all of our scores agreed they were 1st and our scores were no different than we had done all day. There were clear and drastic reasons financially why this had to be I don't argue with that. The US team walked out did not even return the next day for awards which is sad and I doubt they will compete again in that venue. I felt bad they took it badly because competing and doing your best should be the first goal and some times we have to learn to be good sportsman and gratious even when it hurts.

Bad example? same tournament a Korean Master tried to atack the main judge for not giving his team 1st place over another team it was quite a spectical stopped the whole tournament they then decided to award two 1st place awards? the next day two people had to physically restrain him from going after the judge on stage at the awards.

The Lopez's have talent no doubt but the financial machine to get media coverage which converts to income related to the Olympics and thier marketability as the first family is irresistable like a fly to the bug zaper. Sounds like this has had an effect on who gets a shot at them but beyond that in all the protest of scores a knock should work? unless the a single match does not count and you go by overall record? It will be interesting to see what happens with the upcomming selection process.
:hmm: what does it mean when someone posts something and the text block is blank????​

:idunno: I keep trying to figure out why there are posts that are blank boxes inside this post.....​

:duh: oh.... that's the IGNORED feature. :shrug:​

:-popcorn: :cheers:​

I really don't know where some of this nonsense comes from, as far as Lopez hate goes. I used to think the Lopez team sucked too. But that was 8 years ago when I was a blue belt and didn't know anything about Taekwondo and believed every word of propaganda that came out of my Korean master's mouth.

So now you are with a non-Korean master and you have chosen to believe a different propoganda? How long were you with your Korean master and why did you feel he was a liar and horrible instructor?

texkwondo said:
Cook was probably having his worst fight in 2 years up until that point.
You are saying Cook had his worst fight in 2 years. So does this mean that if he was better on his game he wouldn't have been lucky and just beat Steven right away? Saying he kept trying the same technique and finally got lucky is like saying Pacquiao was throwing that same combo and finally got lucky and knocked out his opponent.
You are saying Cook had his worst fight in 2 years. So does this mean that if he was better on his game he wouldn't have been lucky and just beat Steven right away? Saying he kept trying the same technique and finally got lucky is like saying Pacquiao was throwing that same combo and finally got lucky and knocked out his opponent.

He would have at least been at the same level he had been in previous fights, and not looked quite as bad as he did.

And no, bad analogy. Pacquiao would likely be throwing a good combo. Cook's combo was just dumb. This would be like Pacquiao just spinning around the ring with his eyes closed and his arms out like a helicopter until one accidentally hits someone in the face.
No they kicked Mandy off the team because she was exposing certain people for being sexual predators.
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He would have at least been at the same level he had been in previous fights, and not looked quite as bad as he did.

And no, bad analogy. Pacquiao would likely be throwing a good combo. Cook's combo was just dumb. This would be like Pacquiao just spinning around the ring with his eyes closed and his arms out like a helicopter until one accidentally hits someone in the face.

Well then Cook at his worse still beat Steven. What does that say?

Hmmm...looked dumb but it worked. So I am still confused...why is it dumb if it worked? It just wasn't pretty? More interesting is that Steven saw him executing it several times, and finally fell for it. Are you saying that Steven didn't have enough sense to figure the technique out and finally fell for it?
Well first off let me remind you about the Tenets of TKD, I am somebody because I have earned that right base on how long I have been around PERIOD. My rank and tenue out does you so respect should be given no matter what, but than again you are young I would assume so maybe you just do not have any. Next the title of the thread isUSAT male athletes last time I looked Ms. Craig was not a male athlete. I only brought up Diana becaus eyou did, let try to remember that shall we. So if you feel the need tp talk about Ms.Craig please start a new thread.

Last why don't you address some of the other peole comment here, see I believe you do know me and this is just an personal attack because you do not like me. Who cares, certainly not me because like you said you are no-body remember.
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Again, I don't care how long you have been doing this, or who you are. It carries no weight in your ridiculous assertions.

So now you will not listen to people who have been around in this art much longer than you? Wow...This sort of answers my first question about your Korean Master. Apparently he had no knowledge that carried weight in his assertions either. Tell me when you disagree with your seniors and your instructors do you often tell them this too?
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