Attending my 1st class. I am so excited!


Yellow Belt
I am attending my first Ninjutsu class tonight. I attended last week also but that was to watch a testing session at the class and talk to the instructor. I enjoyed wacthing but tonight I get to take a complimentary class to see how it goes. It has been over 20 years since I did any martial arts training so it will take a while to get this 41 year old body in better shape and learn how to stretch again. In the last 3 weeks or so I started my lifestyle change to better eating, losing some weight, and getting in better shape. At my peak I was almost 200 pounds and for a short 5' 6" person, that means a fat little rolly polly <grin>. I am down to 177 this morning and have been doing almost daily workouts. I have my garage cleaned out and purchased some use exercise equipment and have actually been using them. Tony Little Gazzelle and a weight lifting set. So, been sweating, losing some weight, and now time to learn some good defense in Ninjutsu class.

End goal is to get down to 150 to 160 range, less fat around the heart, less cholesterol (at 240 now sheesh!), in better condition, and most of all, enjoying learning the art of Ninjutsu.

Wish me luck.

As former rolly polly myself I want to say CONGRATULATIONS!! Keep on lifting, sweating and keep us posted on your training..The Best to you...
I wish you the best in your pursuit of the art along with the health benefits.

I lost 20 pounds in the month of May this year. But, I certainly wouldn't recommend the flu and bronchitis or pneumonia as part of your weight loss regimen, even though it worked for me! ;)
Just arrived home after 2 hours of my 1st glass. The dojo is about a 45 minute drive from home. I arrive early, get a bite to eat (the Subway Jared get skinny sandwich (hehehehe), was shown basic stretching for 1/2 hour or so, then the rest of the 1.5 hours was learning some ground rolling (front, back, and side), so stance and form stuff along with punching a bag, and participating in some basic grab from behind stuff and how to get out of them. Don't ask me how to repeat all these things <grin>. Will take many moons but I cam away sweaty, had fun, and learned a few things to take home like how to stretch and get body more flexible and I think the biggest thing is to practive rolls at home for the next couple weeks before next class. No class next week as they are going to the BUYU in SF and I can't afford the $175 and room and all that so will hope to do that next year. For now, I am off to bed and will get some pads for training on my rolls.

So, I had fun. Maybe I will get good at this in a few years <grin> The rolling backwards my body could not quite get so that will take me longer. I was never good at jumping off a diving board backwards and doing flips as my body just did not have the moves but I will practice and get this stuff down... and learn the proper Japanese words for it to and stop calling it "stuff".

If you keep those kamae nice and low :)

Actually the incredible leg strength that most Budo Taijutsu practitioner's have is from rolling and constantly getting up. This build's leg's of steel! Stances low or high just does not build it the same way.
Just arrived home after 2 hours of my 1st glass. The dojo is about a 45 minute drive from home. I arrive early, get a bite to eat (the Subway Jared get skinny sandwich (hehehehe), was shown basic stretching for 1/2 hour or so, then the rest of the 1.5 hours was learning some ground rolling (front, back, and side), so stance and form stuff along with punching a bag, and participating in some basic grab from behind stuff and how to get out of them. Don't ask me how to repeat all these things <grin>. Will take many moons but I cam away sweaty, had fun, and learned a few things to take home like how to stretch and get body more flexible and I think the biggest thing is to practive rolls at home for the next couple weeks before next class. No class next week as they are going to the BUYU in SF and I can't afford the $175 and room and all that so will hope to do that next year. For now, I am off to bed and will get some pads for training on my rolls.

So, I had fun. Maybe I will get good at this in a few years <grin> The rolling backwards my body could not quite get so that will take me longer. I was never good at jumping off a diving board backwards and doing flips as my body just did not have the moves but I will practice and get this stuff down... and learn the proper Japanese words for it to and stop calling it "stuff".


Hey TJ I am glad that you had a good time. However, with so much to learn I think you will find people who have been practicing this for ten years and more calling thing's stuff or something similar every now and then.
In other words you will fit right in!
Hey TJ I am glad that you had a good time. However, with so much to learn I think you will find people who have been practicing this for ten years and more calling thing's stuff or something similar every now and then.
In other words you will fit right in!

Let me echo what Brain said...Recall what you were shown, it's there in your mind and if you seek you will find it..One of the most important muscles is your brain...For the record outside of kata and a few commands I NEVER remembered the actual names for techniques...Train hard my friend..
Glad you had a good time, don't fret missing Buyu camp. There is a number of events every year. I was in 6 or 7 years before hitting a Tai Kai.
Don't worry about the names. That can come later. My wife is Japanese, hears the names sometimes and chuckles. I speak the language some (not as well as I want) and I can't even remember things. I always think that the bow somehow ends with "onigiri onegaishimasu."

Good technique is important.

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