Excited to be re-joining Bujinkan


Yellow Belt
Just a note I am excited to be joining a "some-what" local Bujinkan dojo. About 50 miles from home so a 2 hour round trip once a week. They also have periodic Saturday sessions but not sure how often.

I "very briefly" joined this dojo 2 years ago and trained for a whole whopping month. I then had to drop out as money became an issue and add insult to injury, the last class I took I pulled a groin muscle that still acts up on me today 2 years later if I bend just right. I found that in my 40s, healing and taking martial arts classes was much harder than I thought and being self employed and somewhat seeing the writing on the wall 2 years ago about the economy about to take a noise dive, I stopped classes. Last time I really did anything like martial arts was in my teens and I was in somewhat better shape then. I am now out of shape, overweight, have Asthma, and just all around harder to do sports.

Even though I was out of it, I was hoping one day I would rejoin and this Friday will be the day. I asked my last teacher if I could come by this Friday and he let me know I was always welcome back.

This time around I will try to play things smarter and not over stretch like I did to pull my groin like last time. Not much I can do about tuff economy but I am tired of waiting it out and will spend my $65 a month (+ lots of fuel money) and start classes again.

Anyway, just wanted to vent my excitement, and also my timidness. As much as I want to go, I still get fraken butterflys in my stomach when I go into the unknown and meet new folks.

Anyway, hope to be a long time Bujinkan member soon.

Yeah good luck dude.

People make a lot of fuss about the first step in a long journey being a big deal, but that all depends upon whether you are prepared to make the journey afterwards.

We all make lots of first steps that end up as very short journeys, but this particular journey is worth sticking at.

Pretty much the only secret in our entire art is 'keep going'.

So get going, keep going, and let us know how it goes. :)
I am happy for you. I hope it all works out. Hopefully one day a BBT place will get that close to me. Good luck.
Congratulations and keep going!
hi amishman

i wish you luck and hope all goes well.

the new people who were strangers 4+ months ago are good friends of mine now + i have met lots of new interesting people.

I am sure this will be the same for you, let us all know how you get on or if you need help with anything, i am not the most experienced but i am sure if i cannot help others will.

Congratulations. So, how was your class on friday?

Will be this Friday instead. Unexpected business deadline hit my desk early Friday and I was unable to attend class, so, this Friday as of today looks good to start. I am looking forward to it. Even with my gout acting up again for the 2nd time in a couple months, I am going to push through it and get myself to class.

Will post again after I get to class and see how things go. My Tabi, my 1st pair by the way, arrived yesterday so I can go to class with proper footwear and not slippery socks like I did last time. Funny thing is my gout swollen right foot barely fit in the tabi as it is still swollen but hope it goes down some by Fridays class, a couple 800mg IB Profen, and I will hit the pads.

Back from my 2nd class since getting started. Having fun. Tried to local, well within 1.25 hours from home that is, classes and the one I just went to tonight will be the one I continue to visit. Ends up being farther away <grin>. This 2nd class and group seemed to be a better fit and we will be signing up to continue classes.

So, onwards and upwards.

Will be nice in like 3 years from now to have a little better feeling of what I am supposed to do. Being the newbie and having no clue sucks for a little while but we all must persevere. Now to just spend my off time practicing when I have a few minutes and reading and learning all that I need to have more fun in class.

Congrats on finding a good place for you. The learning curve is indeed steep, but I find it very rewarding on many levels. Good luck.

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