Lol yes on the bashing part. I don't like generalizations generally about anything (and yeah I lol'd about writing that sentence

That being said, I don't hide that I'm an ATA guy (have been since 1985 after I left WTA). In fact I even am open about it on Bullshido (fireproof underoos ;p). But I also don't 'zomg stop that' when someone has issues with a McDojahng or lame business approaches either.
On the forums, being ATA isn't required at all. And yes, tons of 'wtf?' (the "Whisky Tango Foxtrot?" statement not the TKD org) about kiddie black belts, age requirements for rank, people actually learning *gasp* martial arts heh.
For ATA success stories, there are some like in any organization. A few offhand, Danny Abbadi (World Combat League, MMA, some reality shows lol, silly Danny), Noah something (Last Airbender kid), I think Jacob from Twilight, a few others. Those are all acting ones, but there are quite a few that delve into like NASKA, MMA, kickboxing etc. They just often don't wear a neon sign

Bash away though on things, I look at each school as a unique case, good or bad. I personally came up under a TKD/TSD (MDK) line and learned things about as oldschool as they come, many didn't travel that same path. It doesn't mean my path was better (ok I think it was ;p), just different.