I started Judo at 34 and am in the Ultraheavy weight division. Aside from some sprained toes, bruised ribs once, and a sore tailbone after a tournament - I had no injuries in a year's time. Nearly a year of BJJ has given me numerous small injuries (bruised ribs again, seriously jammed fingers, tweaked knee and shoulder). Its anecdotal and a small sample size for sure, but I think the notion of Judo being that dangerous is a bit inflated. Unless you are reckless or have really bad mats.
I do think that BJJ can be practiced in such a way that is very technical and softer; i.e. you can control the intensity. You can't say the same for Judo. You're either getting thrown, or not getting thrown. Not a lot of in between. I'll admit that.
Well to be fair Piedmont, you weren't 35 and older when you started.
But yeah, I'm certainly not calling Judo dangerous, I'm simply saying that there's more of a chance to get hurt in Judo than other martial arts. That said, there's far worse things you can do to your body after 35 than joining a Judo club.