Arnold is running!

Originally posted by IsshinryuKarateGirl
Haha...I heard on the news that about 120-140 people were registered for governor candidates. Ah-nold has some fierce competition!

Thought: I am just wondering how many of those people are actually the politicians....

Holy Cow Batman! Is that a norm? I never imagined that many people would register....:eek:
Originally posted by IsshinryuKarateGirl
Haha...I heard on the news that about 120-140 people were registered for governor candidates. Ah-nold has some fierce competition!

Thought: I am just wondering how many of those people are actually the politicians....

Those that aren't politicians are what we are looking for!*L
Originally posted by Ender
Those that aren't politicians are what we are looking for!*L

Haha...well after taking out the politicians, I guess there would be about 100 people left in the race!
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I find it interesting that I know more on the cal. recall than I do the next presidential election....

That's because this assinine gubernatorial (and I really mean Goober) CALI-fornia recall has gone Hollywood. :ultracool

So does everybody think that AHH-nold Schwarzenegger will be our next governor? Well, what about Gary Coleman, Larry Flynt, Arianna Huffington, Gallagher or (porn star) Mary Carey?

Nah, forget that. Now, I'm predicting that the next governor of the great state of Cali will be the honorable Father Guido Sarducci-Don Novello!!!

Is this why my state is on the left (wacky) coast or what... :rolleyes:

Nah, forget that. Now, I'm predicting that the next governor of the great state of Cali will be the honorable Father Guido Sarducci-Don Novello!!!

Is this why my state is on the left (wacky) coast or what...

As a citizen of the great State of Illinois, I vote that california needs to secede from the Union. We are tired of its tomfoolery! I mean come on, what do we need a state who's primary export to OTHER states is Celluloid... At least Nevada ships out Prostitutes. (Or well, we can ship in for em... :D )
Originally posted by Technopunk
As a citizen of the great State of Illinois, I vote that california needs to secede from the Union. We are tired of its tomfoolery! I mean come on, what do we need a state who's primary export to OTHER states is Celluloid... At least Nevada ships out Prostitutes. (Or well, we can ship in for em... :D )

Hey, maybe ya got something there sportsfans. For a short while there back in the 19th century my beloved state of Cali did declare itself a so called independent republic...Ahemmm........................... :idea:

Will AHHnold go for it :confused:
Last time a state tried that, they sent in the army and pretty much burned everything to the ground. I keep wishing my section of NY will secceed...fromt NY. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Last time a state tried that, they sent in the army and pretty much burned everything to the ground. I keep wishing my section of NY will secceed...fromt NY. :)

I wish that my part of nY would seceed from the rest of the state too...or that NY would get rid of Hillary and Patacki...god I really don't like them being in office....
dont sweat it Isshinryu girl. Soon, Hilary will be out of NY, and ruining the country....i mean....running the country..

I hate to see it, but I think she will be running for president before to long. What a joke! She is as crooked as her husband....i can't believe the possitive publicity hype she is getting for her book signing!
Well at least AHH-nold Schwarzenegger can't run for Prez like Ronnie R. did back in the 80's. As we all know AHH-nold wasn't born here in the States, he's a naturalized citizen-immigrant... :borg:

No naturalized presidents allowed. Hasta La Vista, Baby!

Originally posted by progressivetactics
dont sweat it Isshinryu girl. Soon, Hilary will be out of NY, and ruining the country....i mean....running the country..

Urg...don't remind me of her wanting the presidency. It's bad enough I got to deal with Bush right now....
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Well at least AHH-nold Schwarzenegger can't run for Prez like Ronnie R. did back in the 80's. As we all know AHH-nold wasn't born here in the States, he's a naturalized citizen-immigrant... :borg:

No naturalized presidents allowed. Hasta La Vista, Baby!


Well, there is a bill written up for US congress to amend the requirement that Presidential candidates should be US born. It went to committee. I haven't heard more (basically I didn't keep tabs to track). Apparently, there ARE people that feel naturalized citizens who have been here long enough are capable and loyal enough to lead the country. I'm not sure if this was written up with Arnold in mind for the future. I do know this subject did come up a few times.

Whether it will go far enough to actually be considered and approved remains to be seen.

- Ceicei
Consider this:

Ross Perot runs on his own dime...takes a good showing in the election.

The next time he runs, there have been changes in election law preventing a candidate from funding more than a portion of his campaign, thereby solidifying the graft and sellouotism of the 'Special Interests'.

So, if Arnold wins Cal. expect the 'Natural Citizen' law to go into effect, thereby neutralizing the threat he could be, provided he doesn't toe the party line.

Personally.... I think -ALL- offices should be limited to 1 term, period. And, PAC and SIG $ should be outlawed. Make em go door to door again n kiss babys. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

So, if Arnold wins Cal.

And that's CALI to you sir!! ;)
But, you're right, if there's a chance of an outsider getting in, they and their advisors or the next similar candidates will pretty much run into some tough opposition. :idunno:

BTW, I did major in Poli Sci in college, but, what do I know... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
And that's CALI to you sir!! ;)
But, you're right, if there's a chance of an outsider getting in, they and their advisors or the next similar candidates will pretty much run into some tough opposition. :idunno:

BTW, I did major in Poli Sci in college, but, what do I know... :rolleyes:

too should have gotten a real education!*HA!...*hehehe