Are you getting enough gold in your diet?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Why the Rich Like to Eat Gold

The wealthy in Abu Dhabi have another way to enjoy gold: eating it. An article by Bradley Hope in the National says the Emirates Palace hotel served up five kilograms, or about 11 pounds, of edible gold to its dining guests in 2008. “That amounts to 5,000 one-gram bottles of gold leaf flakes from a German distributor, which each go for about $100,” the article states. The edible-gold budget for the Emirates Palace, which prides itself on its gold theme, could be as high as $500,000 a year.

The gold, in flake, powder or sheet form, is served up in everything from a rose champagne ($2,995 for a three-liter bottle) to chocolate cake and cappuccinos. The article says the Russians are especially avid consumers of gold, and like to eat it with their caviar and oysters.


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I thought that was just Goldschläger? :D
An excellent way to end a 'heavy' night I've found. I might have some in a little while :o.

EDIT: Gold being essentially inert is remarkably forgiving in the 'poisoning' department.
Dunno about my diet but I damn sure know I'm not getting enough gold in my friggin WALLET!! :miffer:
My shift partner who is an ex Para and had an para accident which left him with a damaged back and spine has gold injections every so often to relieve the pain and take down inflamation. This isn't private medicine it's NHS.
I thought that was just Goldschläger? :D

Close, but with all the retro trends in Hollywood perhaps the next Bond movie will be Goldliver. It can feature Andrew and Tracy Gold, Goldie Hawn...

Before I start popping those little Mexican Peso coins as a vitamin supplement, does anyone claim a nutritional need for the mineral?
I'll take a pocketful of that stuff too.

Kinda makes you wish you were a CEO of a bank that's about to go under huh?

Well, wait a minute there.... you know how predators get things in their system via the prey they eat..... maybe if we ate some of those CEOs we'd get 100% RDA recommended amounts of the (bail out) minerals they have.

Remember the 1960's/1970's left wing mantra "Eat The Rich"... Gosh, I wonder what they'll call that diet.... The Scarsdalers Diet? :angry:
Isn't it usual for a person to have a very small amount of gold (and copper, etc.) in their body?

The claim is that's it's good against some things like inflammation, I think. But for these people it's just a way to demonstrate to others and themselves that they're filthy rich people you hear about.

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