20 tips for getting your 8 glasses a day...

15. Use a beautiful gold-rimmed glass and fill it with cold water from the tap.

im curious. how does this help to drink more water? "ohhhh this is pretty! i think im going to drink water in it today!"

does that really work? how do they decide that it does? why not a silver rimmed glass................? :nuke:
I understand the concept of loading before strenuous exercise and totally understand drinking more when it is hot but can anyone tell be if there are any studies that have been done to suggest that 8 glasses of water is required for everyday people.

Just Curious
The whole 8 glasses standard was the random proclamation of a 17th century king. It has no scientific merit.
Hi Lisa-wow,looks like you got most covered though no.6 may be an issue for some as may overwork the kidneys and cause energy loss etc whilst no.16 and no.9 go well together too or just squeeze half a lemon in.The slightly acidic nature of citrus will help flush out toxins gathered overnight etc.

Keep in mind too that drinking soon after a meal though will dilute stomach acid and slow down digestion.From memory wait an hour or so after eating.

Agree too that overhydration may be an issue for some esp.those with lowered immune systems,kidney issues and those not so active etc.Wouldnt hurt to get some advice from your health advisor if you have any concerns.
I understand the concept of loading before strenuous exercise and totally understand drinking more when it is hot but can anyone tell be if there are any studies that have been done to suggest that 8 glasses of water is required for everyday people.

Just Curious
Hi-In regards to studies on the body's usage and requirements of water there is a listing in the Bibliography section of the book"Your bodies many cries for water" by F.Batmanghelidj M.D.(and yes his nickname is Dr.Batman!!) I think the book is now available via the www.watercure.com site.

Dr.Batman...apparently was one of the many incarcerated by those controlling the 1979 revolution in Iran and only released after showing the "Judges" the results of his inner prison study on water treatment of pepticulcer disease.He was eventually invited to present his discovery in 1989 to fellow scientists at the "3rd interscience World Conference on Inflammation,Antirheumatics,Analgesics and Immunomodulators".

The annual volume "Science in medicine simplified" collates the studies and research of water and metabolism though am unsure how publicily available this volume is.

His book is simply written though also containing the science and study references necessary to research this topic.Definitely a good read for those with such an interest-till the next rr.
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I think the book is now available via the www.watercure.com site.

Looks like a good read thanks for the heads up.

Nothing quite like drinking H2O. Having spent many of my early years on a farm with rain water for drinking city life comes with one serious drawback, no fresh water.

Bottled drinking water comes with a plethora of chemicals to cut down on the risk of disease and thus legal suits.

This is what I use to rectify the dilemma.


While a little research may turn up what seems to be "problems" associated with drinking H20, I found that a LOT of research then turns those results on their heads.

This is an extract from and the link to World Health Organization - Geneva 2004. "Health risks from drinking demineralised water".


"unsatisfactory organoleptic properities"

Which as scary as it sounds simply means unsatisfactory taste.

Naturally I disagree and am yet to hear a person complain about the taste of fresh rainwater.

"Every time" I distill 4 liters of water I am left with a glass of brown mush which goes straight down the drain rather than in my belly.

Each to their own but this is how I breath life to otherwise pretty horrid town water.

With Respect,

The whole 8 glasses standard was the random proclamation of a 17th century king. It has no scientific merit.
As a physiologist, 2-2.5litres of fluid is what we’d expect a person to drink. This includes fluid contained in ones food. I believe the diuretic affect of coffee and tea is no where near equal to the volume ingested, so even they count!

The habit of carrying around a bottle of water and sipping throughout the day is testament to the incredible marketing of bottled water companies.

I drink 8-9 litres of fluid a day!
I've said this before, " we don't die of old age" as much as from toxic overload.....drink water throughout the day.
My main method of staying hydrated is a shocking, little-known technique (I think from Shangri-La or Tibet):

I drink whenever I'm thirsty.
I used this technique too. I had two kidney stones😖. It seems my thirst wasn’t ‘keeping up’ with my requirements!
My main method of staying hydrated is a shocking, little-known technique (I think from Shangri-La or Tibet):

I drink whenever I'm thirsty.
Feeling thirsty means you're already mildly dehydrated. Your best bet is to drink before you feel thirsty.
I used this technique too. I had two kidney stones😖. It seems my thirst wasn’t ‘keeping up’ with my requirements!

Feeling thirsty means you're already mildly dehydrated. Your best bet is to drink before you feel thirsty.
You guys are right. A couple of additional glasses to supplement the times one feels thirsty seems wise. Better a little too much than too little.
One tip is to purchase and use a 500ml (nearly a pint) mug and drink nothing less! It’s 9am here and I’ve already drunk a litre (2 pints-ish)

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