Are you a prepper?

It's fine having all the gear to survive an apocalypse but what would be the quality of life? If you are an outdoors type person anyway, happy with your own company and feel you need nothing from modern society then I expect you'll be happy but if you are someone who enjoys things like the arts, academia, good conversation with close friends and generally a very civilised society then the loss of so much and the living of a primitive life is really not worth the struggle to try and exist. Living at all costs is not necessarily a good thing, it will vey much depend on the person. Do we want to descend back into the stone age just to survive or should some standards apply in what is considered a civilisation?
It's because they look down on those who don't believe as they do.

Sweeping statements based on media driven stereotypes usually aren't very accurate, or valid.
seems some of you take the possibility of zombies seriously.
also i'd prefer collecting fruits, because its not the animals fault, that humans are freaking dumb.

The term 'zombie' isn't referring to an undead corpse walking around looking for human flesh to feast on, it is referring to the name for the unprepared and often aggressive masses who will want to take what you have in an emergency situation. In other words, a 'zombie' is someone that is uniformed and unprepared. Someone who is content with relying on others for their survival rather than relying on themselves. Often those who rely on the system and adopt an attitude of 'it can't happen to me'.

The term 'prepper' is a catch-all that can encompass a rather wide swath of people. Do some folks built underground bunkers with a couple of million rounds of ammo and think aliens are going to invade? Sure. There are always extremists in any community. The more sensible prepper is someone, as has been mentioned previously;

  • That changes the batteries in the smoke detector on a scheduled basis.
  • Has fire extinguishers placed strategically in the home.
  • Has an evacuation plan for the family in the event of an emergency.
  • Has a comfortable pair of shoes in the trunk in case the car breaks down and the have to walk.
  • Has some food and clean drinking water set aside in case of a storm, earthquake, mud slide, oil spill, contaminated water supply or civil unrest.
  • Has the knowledge to make a fire, disinfect water, make a shelter, catch/kill something to eat.
  • Etc...

A prepper has a jack and a good spare tire in case they get a flat tire. A prepper has a supply of food set aside in case a hurricane, tornado or blizzard hits the area so they don't have to run around like an idiot trying to get food/water from a grocery store whose shelves will be empty in less than three hours. A prepper keeps the car filled with fuel and in good running condition. A prepper has the means to protect themselves and their families in the case of natural and/or man made disasters (read looting/rioting).


Because these things happen all the time to real people. Forrest fires happen. So do hurricanes and tornadoes and blizzards and overturned semi trucks with toxic chemicals and riots in urban areas. They may not happen to you ever day, but there happening somewhere to someone today. That means no one is immune to disaster or an emergency situation. So it makes viable sense to do something today, when nothing is happening and you're under no stress, that will prevent or mitigate an emergency situation if/when it does happen.

Doesn't make you paranoid, it makes you prepared.
Sweeping statements based on media driven stereotypes usually aren't very accurate, or valid.

Really? I've found that from personal experience, so hardly a sweeping statement and this is from someone you look down on for their beliefs. :(
Really? I've found that from personal experience... :(

Which would be quite limited because you're not really a part of the community based upon your comments in this and other threads on the topic. Whereas I have been a part of that community for many years and have found the vast majority to be kind, friendly and always ready to step up with helpful advice. In fact, in addition to the discussion forum I own, I've moderated a second and am a senior member of a third as well as being part of a larger online community that regularly holds webinars on all sorts of 'prepper' topics to include emergency preparedness, self reliance, homesteading, gardening, composting/vermiposting, raising animals and much more. So yes, I'd say you've made a rather sweeping, and very inaccurate statement against an entire community of people that are all about helping others.

and this is from someone you look down on for their beliefs. :(

Ah, I see you're still offended because of another conversation, months ago on a different forum. Disagreement on a topic doesn't denote looking down on them. If anything, I'd say it was quite the reverse. But as it was on another forum I'm not going to go into it here.
I wasn't and am still not offended by any conversation, just amused at the presumption of your being right and everyone else wrong.
My statement was not a sweeping one, my impressions and opinions are mine and mine alone based on what has been posted on here in the past, perhaps these people are all warm and fuzzy when you 'know' them but the point is they aren't to people who don't hence my saying they look down on people.
My statement was not a sweeping one...

This was your exact statement:

It's because they look down on those who don't believe as they do.

The term 'they' would be preppers in general and not as a specific. Since you are not in the 'prepper' community, nor can you lay a claim to know all 'preppers' then yes, your statement was a sweeping statement and as such, inaccurate. Your later claim that it was your 'impression and opinions' of the small number of people here on this board was not in your original statement and is nothing more than back peddling on your part.

I wasn't and am still not offended by any conversation, just amused at the presumption of your being right and everyone else wrong.

Yes, this is the tone you usually go with when someone dares to disagree with you or challenge something that you've said. But I've made no sweeping statements to negatively label an entire community of individuals, which you have little experience with. You did and I challenged you on it.
This was your exact statement:

The term 'they' would be preppers in general and not as a specific. Since you are not in the 'prepper' community, nor can you lay a claim to know all 'preppers' then yes, your statement was a sweeping statement and as such, inaccurate. Your later claim that it was your 'impression and opinions' of the small number of people here on this board was not in your original statement and is nothing more than back peddling on your part.

Yes, this is the tone you usually go with when someone dares to disagree with you or challenge something that you've said. But I've made no sweeping statements to negatively label an entire community of individuals, which you have little experience with. You did and I challenged you on it.

Dear me, I hit a nerve didn't I? Sorry but I'm not going to burn in hell nor am I going to apologise for existing but there you go. You need to differentiate between an opinion and a statement. Mine was an opinion which you are doing nothing to change. I understand how much you think my kind are an anathema to you and really comments like yours do absolutely nothing but amuse me.

To those not following this, I will apologise, it comes after many comments on another site that I was invited to go on under false pretences, I didn't realise it was an attempt to convert me from my religion. In that attempt I was several times insulted which was actually quite funny but looked at soberly it was unpleasant and so I left, the above attack by the poster is a personal one based on my rejection of his beliefs and preferring to keep my own despite being told I would burn in hell etc etc etc. Now I shall proceed to put this poster in ignore so will miss the invariable attack to come. It's quite possible to disagree with someone and just say so rather make an attack on someone. But there you go.

Okay normal service resumed,
Dear me, I hit a nerve didn't I?

Nope, no nerve hit at all.

Sorry but I'm not going to burn in hell nor am I going to apologise for existing but there you go

Um, okay.

The rest of your diatribe concerns a discussion on another forum in which you attacked other members and generally went wonky. And I believe it is against the rules to bring a discussion elsewhere to this forum. I believe you are aware of that rule.

Now I shall proceed to put this poster in ignore so will miss the invariable attack to come. It's quite possible to disagree with someone and just say so rather make an attack on someone.

It is not an attack to challenge someone on the veracity of something they said. The OP asked the question of 'are you a prepper'. You are not. And the first statement you made in this thread was a negative remark on an entire community of people. Not correct or helpful in any way nor did it promote the conversation.

So goodbye.
In fact, in addition to the discussion forum I own, I've moderated a second and am a senior member of a third as well as being part of a larger online community that regularly holds webinars on all sorts of 'prepper' topics to include emergency preparedness, self reliance, homesteading, gardening, composting/vermiposting, raising animals and much more.
So what are the prepper forums you run and participate in? Im always looking to join prepper forums.

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