Are you a cheap b*stard?

Shoot... I don't need to check out that link to know that I'm cheap. :)
HAH! Wanna know how I light a fire in the wood-burning stove? I rub two pennies together until sparks fly! I learned that trick from my hubby who learned to cut a penny in half by his grandfather and rub the two halves together to light a campfire.

I can't wait until my daughter's feet grow 1/2 more size, then we can SHARE shoes and I have to do half the shopping! YAY! Now if I can only get down to her size ...
meh... I can't be cheap! I'm always broke! heh.
No need to take a test my wife tells me I am cheap all of the time.
Hello, To be honest and honorable? Is it easy? We all try to take advantage when we can...I eat at Costco too, samples more than one. Reading articles at the magazine racks....gulity here.......coconuts and mangos are free here...neighbors yard..? .....Aloha
Apparently, yes.

Although I like to call it "graduate education assistance". :D
still learning said:
.......coconuts and mangos are free here...neighbors yard..? .....Aloha
LOL - if it weren't for the prolific fruit trees in Hawai'i, my father-in-law would rarely eat!

He goes to a chinese restaurant in town and orders a plate of rice which they give him for about $1.50 or so. Upon finishing that, he gathers up the mangos on the way home and eats to his heart's content!

Talk about a cheapie!
Eating the free food at an art opening. Guess that's where my holiday "bonus" went...
haha i like this. i am the QUEEN of sneaking food into the movie theater. i also go to fazoli's and pay $2.60 for a big bowl of pasta and a glass of water, and then eat all the free breadsticks i can handle.

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