Favorite childhood toy

I liked action figures (the ones for girls- but I'm not going to show my age by naming a few). I also liked things like "Lincoln Logs". I didn't care for Barbies too much- some how they wouldn't last very long.
Oh wow looking back I loved Transformers, and even the go-bots that led to the transformers. I can remember Megatron, Octomis Prime, (not sure on the spelling) he was a truck and the leader of the good guys. I remember Star Scream, Inferno, and many others. I checked into a few of them on E bay wow I wish I had kept them as they have gone way up in price. I also loved my old Atari 2600 but now love my X box hahha

I guess my true favorite was my .22cal pellet gun that I put a scope on. I had a lot of squirrel and rabbit skins because of that thing
2004hemi said:
I also loved my old Atari 2600 but now love my X box hahha

Does anyone remember the game Adventure for the Atari 2600? It's hard for me to recall but some guy I knew had it.

You had these castles and dragons of different colors. You had to kill the dragons with the sword, open the castle with the key, and get the goblet in the castle (or something like that).

Ring any bells?
Navarre said:
Ring any bells?
No, but it makes me think of Nintendo 64's PONG the world's first tv video game...it was exciting and boring at the same time.

My faves as a kid - The Easy Bake Oven and Creepie Crawlies :)
Well, my favorite toy after about age 11 was ---oh, wait, maybe I shouldn't mention it outside MT After Dark... :uhyeah:
What about the PC game Karateka for the early Apple 2E? You had this guy who fought different baddies until finally you had to face the warlord and his eagle. You could beat the eagle if you practiced some.

The only way I found to beat the warlord was to slowly wear him down with a low kick. He wore a hakama and his lead leg was farthest forward. If you'd kick the edge of the hakama he'd take a very small bit of damage and back up but he'd come back to you before fully regenrating. This way you could wear him down.

The prize was saving the princess. But if you tried to attack her for fun she'd kill you with one blow. There was no way to beat the woman.
mj-hi-yah said:
No, but it makes me think of Nintendo 64's PONG the world's first tv video game...it was exciting and boring at the same time.

I played that a lot! Loved it too. I also played Snipes, a simple game that was a bit more complex than Pong. Anyone out there remember that game?
I still have that and on occasion, will play it if I want to return to simple monochromic gaming.

- Ceicei
mj-hi-yah said:
No, but it makes me think of Nintendo 64's PONG the world's first tv video game...it was exciting and boring at the same time.

My faves as a kid - The Easy Bake Oven and Creepie Crawlies :)

Ya know whats fun about Pong?

You can build your own Pong machine for about 6 bucks in parts from a place like American Science and Surplus.

Navarre said:
Does anyone remember the game Adventure for the Atari 2600? It's hard for me to recall but some guy I knew had it.

You had these castles and dragons of different colors. You had to kill the dragons with the sword, open the castle with the key, and get the goblet in the castle (or something like that).

Ring any bells?
Ding Ding!! I have that game as part of a plug and play Atari Joystick system. It also includes Atari classics, Missle Command, Astroids, Yar's Revenge, Circus Atari, Breakout etc. I could never get the hang of Adventure, then or now.......Steve
Kempogeek said:
Ding Ding!! I have that game as part of a plug and play Atari Joystick system. It also includes Atari classics, Missle Command, Astroids, Yar's Revenge, Circus Atari, Breakout etc. I could never get the hang of Adventure, then or now.......Steve

Adventure, Centipede, Missile Command...Those games ROCK!!

So what's the cheapest, easiest way to get those games?
Navarre said:
Adventure, Centipede, Missile Command...Those games ROCK!!

So what's the cheapest, easiest way to get those games?
I believe I got mine at Best Buy. Im sure you can find them at B.B. Circut City etc. There are alot of these Plug and Play systems all over. There's even a reproduction of the Atari 2600 consule with 40 classic games built in. The only thing different is there's no slot for the cartridge. It's also a plug and play system I believe. Good luck and have fun reliving the old days.....Steve
The Six-Million Dollar Man!!!

With the rocket that turned into the lab where you powered him back up by plugging him into it using the the little chip in his arm. It really REALLY doesn't get any better than that. :)
My Favorite toy was a lake filled with frogs, turtles and fish. I played in and on that lake every chance I got.

My favorite toys:
my stuffed animals (especially my teddy bear),
my Barbie Dolls
my collection of My Little Ponies.

I was kind of a girly-girl.
Navarre said:
Does anyone remember the game Adventure for the Atari 2600? It's hard for me to recall but some guy I knew had it.

You had these castles and dragons of different colors. You had to kill the dragons with the sword, open the castle with the key, and get the goblet in the castle (or something like that).

Ring any bells?

Oh. My. Gosh. YES! that was my favorite game!!!

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