Are these statements embarrassing to anyone?


I am watching the news here and there ... and, you may not have heard, but there is an election coming up later this year. Looking at some of these statements, it is hard to believe that they are being made about a person that is running for the President of the United States of America.

Terrorists "are going to throw everything they can between now and the election to try and elect Kerry." Democrats are "consistently saying things that I think undermine our young men and women who are serving over there."
Senator Orrin Hatch

Kerry's "words embolden the enemy."
Senate Candidate John Thune (SD)

"I would think they [terrorists] would be more apt to go [for] somebody who would file a lawsuit with the World Court or something rather than respond with troops."
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Dennis Hastert

Terrorists in Iraq "are trying to influence the election against President Bush."
Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage

"if we make the wrong choice, then the danger is that we'll get hit again, that we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating".
Vice President of the United States Richard Cheney

"If George Bush loses the election, Osama bin Laden wins the election."
United States Representative Tom Cole (OK)

Doesn't anyone find these comments offensive? This is not 'Ann Coulter' or 'Michael Moore' throwing bombs; these are the leaders of the Republican party.
Not only are they offensive, they are a little stupid. Who can know for certain what a mindless terrorist will do? It's all political ballyhoo.
Looks like more 'Scare Em' tactics.

Personally, I expect a high 'Terror Alert' from our "Abteilung der Homeland sicherheit"...or maybe some Osama sightings to remind us of why we need to 'do the right thing'.

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
I seem to recall, however, also hearing "Terrorists want Bush Re-elected"...

Lets face facts folks... this entire election has been nothing but mudslinging campaigns by both of the Idiots running for office.

Im starting to believe we would be better off without a head liar for the next 4 years... can we do a Richard Prior and vote "None of the Above?"
I haven't seen this kind of mud-slinging from the Dems yet. Do they like Bush? Certainly not. Calling him on his military record is different than saying, "If he's President, the terrorists have won."
This about sums it up IMO.

Technopunk said:
I seem to recall, however, also hearing "Terrorists want Bush Re-elected"...

That was actually a statement made by an Al-Qaeda rep, rather than the Dems.
PeachMonkey said:
That was actually a statement made by an Al-Qaeda rep, rather than the Dems.



Ok... Ill take your word for that... thats not where I heard it, but I may have just heard it being parroted.
3rd parties languish in obscurity and then suddenly large masses of people decide that they are not so marginal after all and that the 2 most prominent parties don't represent their interests or beliefs.... how much difference is there really between Kush and Bleary?
Now that the war on terrorism is the main topic of the election, it stands to reason that both sides are going to say that if the other side is elected, we will be worse for the wear. Typical election crap.

Dan Anderson
DavidCC said:
how much difference is there really between Kush and Bleary?
I bought this argument 4 years ago ... and that has turned out to be an incredibly huge mistake. There is a tremendous difference between Bush and Kerry.

I know that if I want to continue trout fishing in the lower 48 states when I retire (30 years from now), Bush can not remain as the President. Too many environmental rules have been changed already.

While it may already be too late for the native trout in New England waters, continuing with the 'Clear Skies' initiatives, and the like, will indeed be the death knell of my passion. The only hope for the continuation of the resource is a change at the helm.

A vote for Nader will not do it. And while Kerry, also, may not be able to prevent the looming destruction, I can observe and therefore, know, what Bush will do.

It is not "Better the devil I know", in this instance.


But ... I still find these Republican Leaders statements embarrasing; aligning those who serve along side them with criminals. They should be ashamed.
Someone pointed out that an earlier Republican of great stature had this to say about that.


Theodore Roosevelt said:
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

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