Are most Bujinkan dojos Ad Hoc training style?

I think you mean 8th Kyu, as I understand it 10th Kyu doesn't really exist (neither does 10th Kyo for that matter), as that would be a white belt rank before any gradings. I say 8th, because, seeing as we train together, and we're the same rank, I should certainly hope I'm not 10th Kyu :P

Also you may want to double check how you spell Chris's name, considering you're learning from him ;)

In Genbukan you start as mu-kyu, which means 'no kyu'.
10th kyu is your white belt curriculum which has an exam. After that exam, you are 10th kyu.

In practice, you don't get your first grading until you known both the 10th and 9th kyu curriculum, and they are checked in the same (lengthy) exam. This means that 10th kyu is not usually a grade that people will have (they go from none to 9th) but it exists, and sometimes it does happen. In our dojo, it takes about a year to a year and a half before the first exam.
yes i thought it was 10 Kyu after first gradding and than 8 kyu?
oh and sorry about the typo i meant sensei chris parker. is that right? srry mate :)
hay Sanke. i didn't know you are in the same class? do I know you? msg me okay
Not to derail the thread into ranking structure, but for the record it is as follows (DuskB4Dawn, Sanke, Supra are all students with me):

10th Kyu/Mu Kyu - no grade, beginner. White belt.
9th Kyu - first "official" grade. White belt, one white star above badge.
8th Kyu - Green belt.
7th Kyu - Green belt, two white stars.
6th Kyu - Green belt, three white stars.
5th Kyu - Green belt, four white stars.
4th Kyu - Brown belt, one yellow star.
3rd Kyu - Brown belt, two yellow stars.
2nd Kyu - Brown belt, three yellow stars.
1st Kyu - Brown belt, four yellow stars.
Shodan-ho - Probationary black belt, officially part of the ranking but not often used. Black belt, no stars.
Shodan - Black belt, one silver star.
Nidan - Black belt, two silver stars.
Sandan - Black belt, three silver stars.
Yondan - Black belt, four silver stars.
Godan - Black belt, one gold star.
Instructors have embroidered gi.

That is the entire ranking list for us, we only go to Godan (Fifth Dan). The basis is the Bujinkan system (obviously), although we differ by having the latter Kyu grades represented by a brown belt, rather than green all the way through to Shodan. Everyone clear now?
Not to derail the thread into ranking structure, but for the record it is as follows (DuskB4Dawn, Sanke, Supra are all students with me):

10th Kyu/Mu Kyu - no grade, beginner. White belt.
9th Kyu - first "official" grade. White belt, one white star above badge.
8th Kyu - Green belt.
7th Kyu - Green belt, two white stars.
6th Kyu - Green belt, three white stars.
5th Kyu - Green belt, four white stars.
4th Kyu - Brown belt, one yellow star.
3rd Kyu - Brown belt, two yellow stars.
2nd Kyu - Brown belt, three yellow stars.
1st Kyu - Brown belt, four yellow stars.
Shodan-ho - Probationary black belt, officially part of the ranking but not often used. Black belt, no stars.
Shodan - Black belt, one silver star.
Nidan - Black belt, two silver stars.
Sandan - Black belt, three silver stars.
Yondan - Black belt, four silver stars.
Godan - Black belt, one gold star.
Instructors have embroidered gi.

That is the entire ranking list for us, we only go to Godan (Fifth Dan). The basis is the Bujinkan system (obviously), although we differ by having the latter Kyu grades represented by a brown belt, rather than green all the way through to Shodan. Everyone clear now?

And just to clarify for Bujinkan members looking at this, the use of stars is different in our organisation, see below, 'Training Resources', then 'Ranking Layout'.

Also, some Bujinkan dojo also use the Brown belt for anything from 3rd-1st kyu.
I have people wear a white belt (or no belt) for the first few months, until they can roll with some skill. Then they get a green belt. I don't do real 'ranks' until shodan.

My ranking system:

white belt: I'm made of glass
green belt: my safety is your responsibility
shodan: my safety is my responsibility

As I see it, it's the only meaningful use for rank like that. If someone goes to a seminar or another dojo with these belts, I think this is the way most people are treated. So, I think it's useful to rank this way as it makes sure people remain (relatively) safe.

The ranks over shodan are where the skill in movement come in. I can't tell you what the difference between the dan ranks is in words, but I can see it (as I grade in my dojo).
I have people wear a white belt (or no belt) for the first few months, until they can roll with some skill. Then they get a green belt. I don't do real 'ranks' until shodan.

My ranking system:

white belt: I'm made of glass
green belt: my safety is your responsibility
shodan: my safety is my responsibility

As I see it, it's the only meaningful use for rank like that. If someone goes to a seminar or another dojo with these belts, I think this is the way most people are treated. So, I think it's useful to rank this way as it makes sure people remain (relatively) safe.

The ranks over shodan are where the skill in movement come in. I can't tell you what the difference between the dan ranks is in words, but I can see it (as I grade in my dojo).

Interesting approach and descriptions of each level! :)