Some points here:
1, Traffic:
A decrease in overall traffic is normal during summer, especially during the weekends. Given that a large portion of our members are in the 'snowy' areas, its no wonder theres been a decrease in traffic. Add to that the large number of vacations, seminars all over the place seemingly every weekend, its gonna be slower. The net as a whole is slightly less busy this time of year.
2, The debates:
I've said it before. The chitchats nice, but I believe the majority come to forums to get good information. Its hard to find the nuggests of wisdom when it often times seems like a threads degenerated into "more of the same" type arguments. By that I mean, the 'credential checks', the 'dead horse arguments', and the 'why art x stinks'. People will argue about the completeness or lack there of of their arts nonstop. The problem is, the 'noice to signal' ratio goes up, so many stop reading, and as a result posting.
This threads a good example of what is wrong here. We are already off on at least 2-3 different tangents.
I said this in another forum here, but I think it bears repeating.
I give you guys a spot. I can't fill it with anything. Thats for you to do. Now, you can use it as a battleground, and a place to piss n moan, or you can make it a shining jewel and a great resource to the Kenpo Community. The choice it really yours.
We've run the Kenpo-General area as a lightly moderated zone. We can increase the moderation in here, but we need your help so it stays on a freindly level. That means, starting a new thread when you find yourself drifting. That means biting your tongue before lashing out. That means keeping your mind open.
Put another way, would Mr. Parker like this board? If you are an instructor, whould you want your students reading this? Or..reading what -you- just posted? If the answer to those questions is a 'no', then, how do we fix it so they become yes?
Think about it folks....If you see problems, offer viable solutions. The house may be on fire, but standing there pointing and yelling wont put it out. You have to grab a bucket and work along side us.