Are all these techs needed?

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Originally posted by Kirk
I was here when this site was just a baby .. I don't THINK/FEEL
that it's happened, I've SEEN it. Where are the vast numbers of
your supporters?!?! They're OBVIOUSLY not posting!

I'm not insecure in kenpo, I don't know enough to be secure or
insecure. But I DO KNOW that I used to come here and actually
learn a thing or two, and since yours, MJS' and TOD's arrival .. that
has happened, but very rarely. I also know that the 3 of you
have knowledge that far exceeds mine, and that's never been
an issue. It's also not an issue of what other kenpoists can and
can't bear to discuss .. I just want to discuss something fricken
else for a change! I guess you feel quite happy with yourself, for
dominating a board and losing the vivid flavor it once had.
I totaly support Old Fat Kenpoka and I feel if we ruined the MA Talk then it was on its last knees to begin with. Perhaps Clyde and yourself could just not post if your so sick of our input. Clyde tells me he voided me from view. We no longer fight.
Remember, there is an Ignore feature which will keep the ignored person(s)'s posts from appearing in threads you view.

We appreciate the fact that so many people contribute to the discussion here. Disagreements are inevitable. Many can be taken to e-mail.

Thanks to those working to bring this thread back on track. We do ask that threads remain relatively on-topic. We can split parts of threads off by request.

-MT Admin-
Well I've definitely posted LOADS less, as well as MANY others.
IMO it started when you guys showed up. There used to be 100
new posts in the kenpo forum each hour, for a few hours straight.
I like to hear everyone's viewpoint.. not just the same handful over and over again.. That is what makes a forum... :)

Originally posted by Kirk
Well I've definitely posted LOADS less, as well as MANY others.
IMO it started when you guys showed up. There used to be 100
new posts in the kenpo forum each hour, for a few hours straight.
Kirk, yeah and maybe its summer and people have better things to do than stroke your ego on the internet.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Kirk, yeah and maybe its summer and people have better things to do than stroke your ego on the internet.

Yeah, okay ... I post to get my ego fed :rolleyes:

Kaith, how about some stats here? Maybe a graph of the number
of postings, in a sine wave of posts per month since MT Began.
It's NOT because of the summer. Keep dreamin!
I've only posted twice on this thread but my name has come up numerous times. The ignore feature works wonderfully tho.

Have a great Kenpo day

Well, if some of the people that no longer post did not get so easily offended by what others have to say Kirk, then maybe there would be more posts. If some of those with all of the great knowledge contributed to the discussion, and maybe proved some of the cross trainers wrong, well, maybe we would not talk about it sooo much. Seems to me that people who have nothing to say, is because deep down, maybe they know that it is important, but just can't bring themselves to admit it!

Also, TOD was right--due to the fact that it is Summer, some of the postings have dropped a little. Its really no differnet than at a MA school.. Are you going to tell me that the enrollment stays the same during the Summer?? Yeah, keep dreamin!!!!

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo
I've only posted twice on this thread but my name has come up numerous times. The ignore feature works wonderfully tho.

Have a great Kenpo day


Another fine example of 2 things-

1- close minded

2- not wanting to take part in the discussion

I for one have noted and appreciated your sticking more to the Kenpo end of the spectrum lately. I do not find myself ignoring your posts, not that I really did before, but now they seem more reasoned and get more of my consideration ... not that my opinion has to mean anything to anyone.

I also have seen lots of my friends in the Art dropping off the scope lately. This is disconcerting for me and I do not think it can be limited to a few posters. The time of year, the number of seminars and events lately, and other factors may play into the decline of posts on the Kenpo General and Technical sides.

Speaking for myself, I have chosen not to respond to a bunch of threads when the CrossTraining Kenpoist are on a roll. It is just not worth my energy. I just go to the school and teach in my own limited way. I know your frustration Kirk ... I am just not sure of the cause and effect, but agree it is happening. You don't see Mr. Conatser here much, Doc has toned down recently, my students and acquaintances that I met through seminars are not posting as much as usual. I think there is some validity to the cause and effect of the "guys who don't get it." That expression came from at least three of the most senior Black Belts in Kenpo. They have expressed disgust with the focus on grappling, then in camps or seminars address this directly with Kenpo Solutions.

Ah well, sic gloria transit Kenpo.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Kirk, yeah and maybe its summer and people have better things to do than stroke your ego on the internet.

I don't feel it's necessary to indulge in personal comments of this type.

This forum has always been one of the better ones, lets keep it that way, please.

While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it wouldn't hurt to express yourself in a courteous manner.

Maybe it would be appropiate to reflect on the Blue Belt Pledge, or even the 3rd Brown Pledge.


Originally posted by MJS
Well, if some of the people that no longer post did not get so easily offended by what others have to say Kirk, then maybe there would be more posts. If some of those with all of the great knowledge contributed to the discussion, and maybe proved some of the cross trainers wrong, well, maybe we would not talk about it sooo much. Seems to me that people who have nothing to say, is because deep down, maybe they know that it is important, but just can't bring themselves to admit it!

Or maybe it's because regardless of what they say, one of you
pops in with crosstraining crosstraining crosstraining. Someone
could come out and say "gee, it's hot outside" and you'd reply
with "That's cause you don't cross train!"

Originally posted by MJS
Also, TOD was right--due to the fact that it is Summer, some of the postings have dropped a little. Its really no differnet than at a MA school.. Are you going to tell me that the enrollment stays the same during the Summer?? Yeah, keep dreamin!!!!

You're fond of putting words in people's mouths, aren't ya? I
never once not ever did I say that enrollment in an MA school
does a darned thing. Jeez dude, come off of it! How long have
you 3 been members of this site? You wouldn't know what it
was like before you got here, would you???
Kirk--RE READ the post please!!!

I was comparing the drop in posts and TOD"S comment about Summer to enrollment in MA schools. I know you made no ref. to that. I was simply saying that it is the same reason people take a break from MA training----vacations, other activities, etc.

Before you assume, why dont you think before you post!

Originally posted by Kirk
Jeez dude, come off of it! How long have
you 3 been members of this site? You wouldn't know what it
was like before you got here, would you??? [/B]

Nope, I wouldn't. I can only guess though that things were probably the same as they are now, with the same people, having the same closed mind, wanting everybody to follow them around like a puppet, taking everything they say as gospel, because the people saying it seem to know soooo much.

Some points here:

1, Traffic:
A decrease in overall traffic is normal during summer, especially during the weekends. Given that a large portion of our members are in the 'snowy' areas, its no wonder theres been a decrease in traffic. Add to that the large number of vacations, seminars all over the place seemingly every weekend, its gonna be slower. The net as a whole is slightly less busy this time of year.

2, The debates:
I've said it before. The chitchats nice, but I believe the majority come to forums to get good information. Its hard to find the nuggests of wisdom when it often times seems like a threads degenerated into "more of the same" type arguments. By that I mean, the 'credential checks', the 'dead horse arguments', and the 'why art x stinks'. People will argue about the completeness or lack there of of their arts nonstop. The problem is, the 'noice to signal' ratio goes up, so many stop reading, and as a result posting.

This threads a good example of what is wrong here. We are already off on at least 2-3 different tangents.

I said this in another forum here, but I think it bears repeating.
I give you guys a spot. I can't fill it with anything. Thats for you to do. Now, you can use it as a battleground, and a place to piss n moan, or you can make it a shining jewel and a great resource to the Kenpo Community. The choice it really yours.

We've run the Kenpo-General area as a lightly moderated zone. We can increase the moderation in here, but we need your help so it stays on a freindly level. That means, starting a new thread when you find yourself drifting. That means biting your tongue before lashing out. That means keeping your mind open.

Put another way, would Mr. Parker like this board? If you are an instructor, whould you want your students reading this? Or..reading what -you- just posted? If the answer to those questions is a 'no', then, how do we fix it so they become yes?

Think about it folks....If you see problems, offer viable solutions. The house may be on fire, but standing there pointing and yelling wont put it out. You have to grab a bucket and work along side us.

Originally posted by MJS
Kirk--RE READ the post please!!!

I was comparing the drop in posts and TOD"S comment about Summer to enrollment in MA schools. I know you made no ref. to that. I was simply saying that it is the same reason people take a break from MA training----vacations, other activities, etc.

Before you assume, why dont you think before you post!


Originally posted by MJS
Are you going to tell me that the enrollment stays the same during the Summer?? Yeah, keep dreamin!!!!
Originally posted by MJS
Nope, I wouldn't. I can only guess though that things were probably the same as they are now, with the same people, having the same closed mind, wanting everybody to follow them around like a puppet, taking everything they say as gospel, because the people saying it seem to know soooo much.


That's where you'd be incorrect.
Dont really know where you're heading Kirk???

You mentioned the drop in posts due to the talk about grappling/crosstraining. TOD said that it is due to the Summer. I was agreeing with that,and simply said that the drop in posts is no differnet that a drop in school enrollment during the Summer.

Originally posted by Les
Maybe it would be appropiate to reflect on the Blue Belt Pledge, or even the 3rd Brown Pledge.




I have to say I sure do like seeing reference to things like this. It makes you think about your spectrum of knowledge. Is it JUST physical, or is it mental too. :)
Keep it up!
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