Arabs Harass Female 'Peace' Activists; Left Silences Victims

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Arabs Harass Female 'Peace' Activists; Left Silences Victims

by Gil Ronen
Published: 09/21/10, 7:43 PM / Last Update: 09/21/10, 7:47 PM
Arutz Sheva Israel National News

Two activists have exposed a disturbing phenomenon that they say is an open secret within the “peace camp”: female “peace” activists are routinely harassed and raped by the Arabs of Judea and Samaria with whom they have come to identify. They say the phenomenon has gotten worse lately and that many foreign women end up as wives of local Arabs against their will, but cannot escape their new homes.
Roni Aloni Sedovnik, a feminist activist, penned an article in News1 – an independent website run by respected investigative reporter Yoav Yitzchak – under the heading “The Left's Betrayal of Female Peace Activists Who were Sexually Assaulted.”
“A nauseous atrocity has been going on for a long time behind the scenes at the leftists' demonstration at Bil'in, Naalin and Sheikh Jarrah [Shimon HaTzaddik],” she writes. “A dark secret that threatens to smash the basic ideological values upon which the demand to end the occupation of the Territories rests.”
It turns out, she explains, that when female peace activists from Israel and abroad come out to Judea and Samaria and demonstrate against the Israeli “occupation,” they are assaulted sexually by the Arab men whom they have come to help. These are not isolated incidents, Aloni-Sedovnik stresses. Rather, this is an “ongoing and widespread” phenomenon that includes verbal and physical abuse. She accuses the 'peace' camp of purposely covering up the trend so as not to offend “the Palestinians and their heritage, which sees women as sexual objects.”
<<<SNIP>>> The Umm Salmona case was reported in Haaretz as an attempted rape but does not seem to have made it beyond the blog pages.
Foreign women raped and subjugated
Earlier this year, a blogger and literature buff named Yehudah Bello, who writes in various venues about history and the theory of evolution, wrote a blog post with the striking title: “The Female Leftist Activists are Raped Day after Day, Night after Night.” Bello is no ultra-nationalist, and he supports the creation of a PA state – a fact which makes his claims all the more believable.
Most female leftist European activists, writes Bello, are brainwashed in their youth into hating Israel, and then sent directly into Judea and Samaria, without spending a single night in Tel Aviv, lest they see civilian Israeli society for themselves and find that they like it. They are whisked off to Shechem, Jenin and other PA towns and housed in Arab educational or cultural facilities, or private homes. Local Arab girls are sent to befriend them and they have no choice but to trust them.
It is is easy, explains Bello, “to carry out a sexual crime against a foreign girl, in her first days away from her family, in a place where no police have ever visited. And this is what happens, and has happened.”
"I was told of such rape cases by women who are not Jewish: a female European leftist activist, a female Red Cross volunteer and a young Arab woman from Yafo,” he says. He says that he met these women when he carried out IDF reserve duty, and met them afterward as well. “They told me what goes on there, in the Palestinian villages, far from any prying eye.”
While no one should be raped or otherwise assaulted, it is hard for me to have sympathy for these people.
Why is it hard to have sympathy for 'those people'?

Last I looked, being naive and optimistic with the urge to change the world for the better was not a crime that deserved rape and basically kidnapping a punishment.

Of course girls - more so than boys - need to know that certain places you don't go. But that is how the grunt work is done.
Because 'those people' are buying into, and then re-selling a fantasy narrative of history and of what is really going on. They are being used by a well oiled propaganda machine.
Again, does that warrant the punishment?

No, it means they don't know the truth and find it out the hard way sadly. They think they are saving a down trodden people who everyone is trying to keep down, they don't realise the reason they are down trodden is because terrorists from their own 'side' keep them that way. They don't seem to realise the way women are treated by many men in Palestine, this is a place where women can be raped and then found guilty of the crime of being raped and killed, they can be killed for speaking to the wrong man or for having an affair. Male family members can kill any female in their family if they decide honour is at stake. Finding out that they are raping their own supporters is sad but not unexpected, I wish they had taken the time to find out the truth for themselves before choosing to go to these places.
In Christopher HitchensÂ’ debate with Tony Blair in Toronto a few weeks back, CH made a comment along the lines, that if you want democracy, if you want better health care, better education, if you basically want peace in the world, the women of the world need to be emancipated from their current conditions.

If the males in some of these places were not just a ½ step past Neanderthal I would almost pity them, when thousands of women like TEZ stand up, turn around and tell them to go F*** themselves.

CH is correct of course, you free the women, the rest of the country will follow in short order.

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