You make a good point. Perception sometimes is reality. However, dead soldiers are dead soldiers for real. I don't think I want to commit our troops to yet another war supporting Syria, Libya, or Absurdistan unless I see a real benefit for our nation, not just a perceived one. You want our kids to die so that Al-Jazeera says nice things about us? Not me.
And we've spend enough money, too much money, trying to make the world in our image, trying to make the world a better place, or doing things we think will make people like us. Time for that to stop.
I don't tune in to much of it at all, which is why I'm just barely paying attention with this Syria thing. I understand they are on the tail end of this Arab Uprising thing, and their own government is shooting the hell out of them and blowing them up, and now people think *we* (the US) should do something about it. Well, as far as I can tell, if we help them, they'll finish overthrowing the government, hold elections, elect Islamists, and then declare their eternal hatred towards us and start raising up an army of monster to kill us. Isn't that about it? So, uh, no.
Well, just what I said. I don't watch much TV, and certainly not the major news shows. I don't listen to talk radio. I seldom pay attention to the various right-wing or left-wing blogs unless someone posts something here. But I have noted that so far, the governments in the Middle East that have had 'democracy' have been electing terrorists as leaders, which doesn't strike me as in our best interests. If there's more information I'm not hip to, feel free to clue me in.
And I know it sounds awful, but when Syria bombs their own people? I don't really care. I mean I care, it's terrible, but I don't think that means we should do something about it. Not unless there is some benefit for us in it, which I'm not seeing.
We let the Rwanda Genocide kill 800,000 people, with machetes, for God's sake. We did nothing, not one thing. And this is different how? If Syria wants to overthrow their government, that's on them.