I can only tell you what has worked for me. Strict diets, per se, do not work for me because of the following: real physical hunger, cravings (appetite), and not enough energy to work out.
If you are doing martial arts, you need energy to work out; you need macronutrients to rebuild your muscles and replace lost glycogen (sugar stores in the liver).
I eat a moderate to large breakfast and lunch. I make sure I have protein with every snack or meal, no exceptions. Protein and some good fat will keep your blood sugar stable much longer than carbs alone. If I eat oatmeal for breakfast, I will crash in two hours and eat more the rest of the day. I am better off not eating breakfast than eating carbs for breakfast.
I now divide my dinner calories between a preworkout meal for my evening class and a snack afterward. I find that I can eat less in evening if I am well fueled by breakfast and lunch.
Consider that if you are eating enough calories to fuel your body, you will build more muscle which will burn more fat. Muscle is more metabolically active so you are burning more calories at rest.
Some days I eat more. MA increases my appetite the day after a workout.
I write down everything I eat. That's been very helpful. I don't get crazy about the calories but I approximate them. If I've had chocolate at lunch, I don't have it again that day. If I eat 800 calories for lunch, I really watch it at dinner and my evening snack.
Some good books:
The Abs Diet by David Zinczenko,
Body for Life by Bill Phillips,
Eating for Life by Bill Phillips.
If you want to make it very simple:
For three meals, have a palm-sized portion of lean protein, a fistful size of carbs, and some nonstarcy veggies two meals a day. Have two to three carb-protein snacks such as non- or low-fat cottage cheese, 1/2 a turkey sandwich, 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich, a whey shake with 3/4 cup berries, a Zone bar. Add some essential fats to your meals such as two tsps. of flax oil, or olive oil, a T of walnuts/almonds/pistachios, or get two tablespoons of peanut butter a day. You can add fish oil supplements to your diet in addition to the other fats.
Think about health first. Think about energy to fuel your workouts.
I am losing bodyfat and have stopped using the scale as it sits on the same number. But I am shrinking.
Hope this helps.