US News: Herbal supplement ephedra to be banned

I think it's the Bechler case that really got this whole ball rolling.

No doubt that was capitalized upon by the pharmaceutical lobby. They're quick to take advantage of the "Chicken Little" effect that gets people screaming about the dangers of something.

In the eighties tryptophan, an amino acid, was yanked from the shelves because of several deaths due to what appeared to be tryptophan ingestion. It turns out that it wasn't the tryptophan, , but impurities in the pills brought about by poor manufacturing. Tryptophan, a natural and healthy sleep aid, was demonized for no reason.

I suspect that if melatonin were implicated in just one death people would be screaming for its removal, and the lobby would take advantage of that as well. Its so safe, however, that this hasn't happened.


Originally posted by psi_radar
They banned turkey!? Now I'm pissed...

It is the difference between L Tryptophen and R Tryptophen. One is natural and the other was man made. I cannot remember of the top of my head which is which.

So, Turkey and Warm Milk are not banned ;) :D

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