Anyone know Sifu Mike Marshall

Hate to double post I hurt my foot/ankle sleding with my son about 2 weeks ago... I'm just now recovering enough to walk, so my return will be delayed.

Hopefully by next week I can put more weight on it :)
First off Im back :)

Been strength training at a local fitness center, and i have just began running again. I've been doing wing Chun again as well, had enough strength to do that a bit earlier than HungGar :) Anyway I contacted Sifu Marshall even tried to meet with him, but when I got there I believe he left. I'm pretty sure it was his place, as far as the address and such. I left several messages, hopefully he is ok. Anyway I would like to meet up with you so that we could talk about a few concepts. Send me a PM.
Got in touch with Sifu Mike, and hes doing well. I checked out the Bluegrass Championships that will be going on again today. I was impressed with the students in forms, but the fighting left me wanting more. Hopefully tonight they will show more of thier skill today. I definately will be competing next year.
Hey Guys! Im new to the CMA section of the forum. I was wondering if any of you all have heard of or trained with Sifu Mike Marshall? I was looking up other school in my city on the internet and came across his. He teaches mainly Hung Gar but also teaches a little of Mantis style, Choy Lay Fut and Long Fist. If anyone can tell me some stuff about him other than whats on his site that would be great. I have also tried to search for him through out the forum and have found nothing. Thanks

Yes…. Not only does he teach authentic traditional kung fu… Sifu Mike Marshall is a good man. Il