Anyone know Sifu Mike Marshall

man somehow I keep missing your posts?? Do me a favor whenever you need info call Sifu.... We are in the middle of moving and will be in the new place soon (real nice) see other post....

Louisville Shaolin Fighting Arts
Phone: 502-314-0998 (Sifu Mikes Cell)
Hate to double post I hurt my foot/ankle sleding with my son about 2 weeks ago... I'm just now recovering enough to walk, so my return will be delayed.

Hopefully by next week I can put more weight on it :)
First off Im back :)

Been strength training at a local fitness center, and i have just began running again. I've been doing wing Chun again as well, had enough strength to do that a bit earlier than HungGar :) Anyway I contacted Sifu Marshall even tried to meet with him, but when I got there I believe he left. I'm pretty sure it was his place, as far as the address and such. I left several messages, hopefully he is ok. Anyway I would like to meet up with you so that we could talk about a few concepts. Send me a PM.
Got in touch with Sifu Mike, and hes doing well. I checked out the Bluegrass Championships that will be going on again today. I was impressed with the students in forms, but the fighting left me wanting more. Hopefully tonight they will show more of thier skill today. I definately will be competing next year.
Hey Guys! Im new to the CMA section of the forum. I was wondering if any of you all have heard of or trained with Sifu Mike Marshall? I was looking up other school in my city on the internet and came across his. He teaches mainly Hung Gar but also teaches a little of Mantis style, Choy Lay Fut and Long Fist. If anyone can tell me some stuff about him other than whats on his site that would be great. I have also tried to search for him through out the forum and have found nothing. Thanks

Yes…. Not only does he teach authentic traditional kung fu… Sifu Mike Marshall is a good man. Il