Anyone know Sifu Mike Marshall

Once again nice to see that you are enjoying it! And I'm going to call him tomorrow, hopefully hes not too mad at me for not being at class for 2 months :)

But dont feel bad or awkward about not knowing, it speaks volumes that you are even openminded enough to try. Hung Gar is very grueling, if it isnt the most painfull martial art to learn, its definately one of them. So keep stretching through the week, and try to hold the horse stance as long as you can several times over the next several days. My biggest flaw is my flexibility, so I have been working on that for the last 4 months.
Well I did enjoy the class... only bad thing was after the first 10 min of working the horse stance and a few other things I almost couldn’t stand up... it was crazy. I knew I was in bad shape but had no idea it was that bad. It’s going to take me a while to get my legs in shape... I had to hard of a time trying the kicks and even the bow was crazy hard for me... most of it was because my legs were so beat I couldn’t get them to support me to learn the other things.... Man... but I will tell you this I like it and would have been disappointed if it were easy. I have not trained in MA for a long time so my skills have just about all left me but I am eager to learn and ready to commit. He is a good instructor and I hope I don’t let him down by not picking up things as fast as he would like me to.... I plan on training hard... but my first obstacle will be my legs.

Great stuff...... Happy I am part of the Hung Gar family... I picked up some Tiger Balm... going to use some now and hope I can stand in the morning... :) I will pm you later in the day...

I am going to work the Horse to forward bow and arrow stance like non stop till my legs get to where they do not fail me... I cant learn if I cant stand.

It was great... I have a long way to go to get in shape so I can progress but I am not in a hurry... Foundation first... I have started Lau Gar and I canÂ’t for the life of me remember the first few bits he has shown me... I am trying to take it slow in order to remember the steps and proper technique... I have a lot to learn and a long way to go in order to be in proper shape... I like the class, Sifu Mike is a very talented instructor... everyone in the class is really nice.

Now if I can only get in shape so I am not about to pass out during the warm up... Horse stance is ruff... My body has been soar since day one.... After my body is in shape I will learn better I think... But I am trying to get the first part of Lau Gar right now and still trying to get the bow down pat...

You planning on coming back or you going to peruse JKD? I most likely will not be there Saturday I work 6am - 6pm so I donÂ’t know how I would be able to make it....

Let me know
I'll be there sat, at 10:30 am talked to Kevin and he put a good word so I'll be there. Sorry you have to work, was looking forward to meeting u...
I will be there... but only for lunch. I will get there about 11:00 and will have to leave at about 11:30-ish. It will not be a lot of time but I hope to at least get the warm up.

See you there... (look for the lost guy walking in at about 11)
Spoke with Sifu Mike and Kevin yesterday, they said they would be taking a break from training at the wesport location. Something about the area being renovated. Anyway, I told Kevin to say whats up to you :)
man, havent herd from you in a while? I have been so busy its been crazy... Class starts back up on the 2nd I think... you should come back? I am still far from in shape and have lots to learn but I like Sifu Mike a lot and feel very fortunate to be able to train in Hung Gar... its the real deal for sure... now if I can only get my body to agree with mu mind.

Give yourself more time, remember you have the rest of your life :)

I did give you a call a couple of weeks back, did you hear my message?
Thanks for the comment on the site... it will continue to grow as I have time to devote to it... Feel free to get on there any time and post or call to take part in anything going on.

The moon and stars have aligned, so I will be there this Sat. Will Sifu be there? Or will he be headed to Fort Knox this week?