Anyone heard of GM Adrian Roman?

Well, I am thankful that I had a chance to get everyone's feedback. I still have the dvd's but use them as a reference guide. I contacted Terry McCord back in July and I have been with him since August. I am so lucky to have found an instructor that teaches kenpo in Houston. Houston is mostly a TKD city. I have enjoyed the live instruction and I am happy to be back into something that I have had a passion for in my earlier years. Thank everyone for their guidance.
TChase said:
Just go to and watch "Chief" Romans video clip. I'd say that speaks for itself.
Good site but I found the Kali Kempo clip to be interesting but dangerous.

I think some of the technique could be valuable for attribute training but somewhat dangerous in the sense that having a knife wielder with intent to cut me and successfully intercepting his weapon hand I'm not going to let it go free in favor of a strike.

And manuevering the body into the direction of the blade to block the weapon arm with the shoulder, I don't think so. I saw some Kali in there but think that when redirecting the weapon hand, the weapon hand needs to be dealt with first before following up with the finish technique. He did do that a bit but overall I saw someone that was likely to get cut.

Clips are misleading sometimes and the clip probably wasn't a good expression of his technique.
I've watched all the videos to Brown. I see no gaping flaws in his technique, I saw a few memory lapses of what technique he was going to do but find little to fault with that as I'd say the Videos were likely recorded over only a few days and Adrian Roman isn't the youngest fella out there ;-)

Nia:wen Thank you for the link to the clips.

Are Adrian Roman's DVD's the Best there is? I can't say, I haven't seen every Kenpo DVD out there. I can say that I think you will get something from them. Can't say wether YOU will learn anything or not as theres some folks that no matter how many times an instructor shows them something and corrects them they still do it their way! There's also folks that show them once and they can do it no problem. EVERYONE is different in learning ability and everyone can learn from someone else no matter what level they are at.

Skennen Peace.
Kwiter said:
I've watched all the videos to Brown. I see no gaping flaws in his technique,
That just may say as much about where you are and your personal impression and knowledge of the art as much as his. Nevertheless, if that is the case, enjoy and good luck.
Doc said:
That just may say as much about where you are and your personal impression and knowledge of the art as much as his. Nevertheless, if that is the case, enjoy and good luck.

Always "On Point" Doc! My thoughts exactly.

I have reviewed several of his instructional dvd's. The material is sound. The terchniques that he presents are authentic Kenpo. I was originally promoted to Kenpo Black belt by one of Grandmaster Parkers 1st generation black belts (Asa Rainey 8the Kenpo black) with whom I trained for years and years (Just had a workout with him this week). While the techniques and forms that were taught to Mr. Rainey by Mr. Parker and others are stylistically different (Mr. Parker taught different people differently) the Kenpo presented by Mr. Roman is still valid Kenpo in form and substance. I don't know anything about selling black belts, but you can go to any martial arts supply store and buy one for $3.99. Wearing a belt and earning a belt are two different things. Earning a belt and being a belt are again (in many cases), two different things. I operate a small Kenpo school (approx 40 students), not everyone has the oppertunity to live where a legitimate kenpo school is located...If a student is willing to work hard and study consistantly, then I suppose video training is better than nothing. There is no real substitute for a true in person TEACHER, but I have seen alot of Kenpoists taught by instructors who were truly lacking in their knowledge and ability. Again, in my humble opinion, these training tapes are helpful, and there is motion and information that is beneficial to kenpoists of all levels in Mr. Romans tapes.
Kenpsy7 said:
I have reviewed several of his instructional dvd's. The material is sound. The terchniques that he presents are authentic Kenpo. I was originally promoted to Kenpo Black belt by one of Grandmaster Parkers 1st generation black belts (Asa Rainey 8the Kenpo black) with whom I trained for years and years (Just had a workout with him this week). While the techniques and forms that were taught to Mr. Rainey by Mr. Parker and others are stylistically different (Mr. Parker taught different people differently) the Kenpo presented by Mr. Roman is still valid Kenpo in form and substance. I don't know anything about selling black belts, but you can go to any martial arts supply store and buy one for $3.99. Wearing a belt and earning a belt are two different things. Earning a belt and being a belt are again (in many cases), two different things. I operate a small Kenpo school (approx 40 students), not everyone has the oppertunity to live where a legitimate kenpo school is located...If a student is willing to work hard and study consistantly, then I suppose video training is better than nothing. There is no real substitute for a true in person TEACHER, but I have seen alot of Kenpoists taught by instructors who were truly lacking in their knowledge and ability. Again, in my humble opinion, these training tapes are helpful, and there is motion and information that is beneficial to kenpoists of all levels in Mr. Romans tapes.
Could you PM me some contact info for AC please?
Doc said:
Could you PM me some contact info for AC please?
Doc...This forum is new to me and I'm not quite sure how it works.. (sending private messages) If you would like to give your contact info to me I will forward it to Mr. Rainey (A.C.). Forgive me, but I don't kwow who you are from your user name and Mr. Rainey is a very privacy oriented individual. Thanks Kenpsy7
Kenpsy7 said:
Doc...This forum is new to me and I'm not quite sure how it works.. (sending private messages) If you would like to give your contact info to me I will forward it to Mr. Rainey (A.C.). Forgive me, but I don't kwow who you are from your user name and Mr. Rainey is a very privacy oriented individual. Thanks Kenpsy7
Click on the username of anyone you would like to contact, and go to their public profile. You will see a link to send a 'private message.' My email is or

Tell A.C. his old instructor Ron Chapél would like to get in touch.
I just ordered Adrian Roman's completete system, for $89 on Ebay it's a bargain.
((just browsing through OLD posts, but I HAD to comment))


You paid about $88.95 TOO MUCH......

Unless they're on VHS and you can record your favorite TV shows over them. In that case, you only paid about $84.00 too much!!

Your Brother
My philosphy is everything out there, has a pro and a con value. Ive heard of him, and he teaches Native Amercian Knife fighting techniques. I dont know where else you can get that? So why not? Not everybody lives in a town where they have found an instructor they like. So do the Dvd course. You could probably get private lessons from Adrian later on, if you're willing to travel.
My philosphy is everything out there, has a pro and a con value. Ive heard of him, and he teaches Native Amercian Knife fighting techniques. I dont know where else you can get that? So why not? Not everybody lives in a town where they have found an instructor they like. So do the Dvd course. You could probably get private lessons from Adrian later on, if you're willing to travel.

I'm not against video trainging at all.
But...there are MUCH MUCH more reputable Kenpoists out there with MUCH MUCH MUCH better video training and MUCH lower rates!!!!!

Also: His "Native American Knife fighting techniques"....
aren't something handed down w/in the Native American culture or anything.
They begin with HIM.....a Native American.....and that's the only thing that makes them Native American.
That and he tends to wear hide and feathers while demonstrating it.

Your Brother
If you could give us leads on more reputable kenpoists and how to find their dvd's i would appreciate it. you can PM me or post it here. I actually have GM Roman's dvd's and enjoyed them a lot. More for the fact that he seems to be a funny guy teaching the techniques.. i think at one point during the video's he says "im getting old and its hot a need a cold one. be right back." I'm sorry but thats just darn right funny, takes the edge off of it. Some people are way to serious. I am being sincere though, i love watching other people's interpretations of techniques.

I'm not against video trainging at all.
But...there are MUCH MUCH more reputable Kenpoists out there with MUCH MUCH MUCH better video training and MUCH lower rates!!!!!

Also: His "Native American Knife fighting techniques"....
aren't something handed down w/in the Native American culture or anything.
They begin with HIM.....a Native American.....and that's the only thing that makes them Native American.
That and he tends to wear hide and feathers while demonstrating it.

Your Brother
If you could give us leads on more reputable kenpoists and how to find their dvd's i would appreciate it.

Larry Tatum
Jeff Speakman
Mohammad Tabatahi (sp?)

those are just a few. you can check their websites for more info.
If you could give us leads on more reputable kenpoists and how to find their dvd's i would appreciate it. you can PM me or post it here.

Huk Planas

Also, I happen to really like where Zach Whitson is going with his Kenpo Counterpoint training method, but you need to learn the base techniques first.

I found this on Roman's website. He is responding to what has been said about him and his Distance Learning Program:

Kenpo Distance Learning and Insight

I Hope this will answer some of your question about me and give you a little more insight. When I started offering the Distance Learning Program a few years ago I knew it might stir up a little conservancy. First I did it for the money (Parker told me so, I’ll get to that story later) and second, I did it to get Parker’s sophisticated material out to students who would otherwise might chose to attend the local TKD's school. Beginning in the 50’s the Asians would get on the plane as 1st degrees to fly to the U.S. and get off the plane 5th, 6th, and 7th degrees rank. Since that time the Japanese and Koreans system have prostituted the martial arts world by putting out cookies cutter black belt in there commercial school. I’ve seen my share of 6 years old receiving there Black Belt.

One of your members asked “where’s the integrity” I’m just attempting to counter this action. I choose to believe those students who watch and learn American Kenpo by DVD’s can be better prepared and no worse off than someone going to the local TKD's school. I trained up to brown belt in one of there’s school before I had enough of it and moved on to American Kenpo. I grew up fighting in the streets and I knew their system was embryonic at best and there material would not transform to the street for self-defense. I will agree with all of you that learning from a qualified Kenpo black belt instructor in a school is the best option. But for those students in town and cities where no Kenpo schools are available my American Kenpo DVD’s program is the next best thing. For the most part I have produced some great student via this method and some I felt that they were not watching the same tape. You can’t expect 100 % success even in a school situation.

On occasions I give a certificates with this program and for those who look down at this method and in most cases they are underlings with little or no training, let me say this. If any Black Belt or Master is threatening by someone who received his or hers certificate via Distant Learning Programs, then they are not secure in there own mind about who they are. No matter where or how you received your black belt you still have to back it up by performance of the material. When I ran a school in Dallas and black belts came by to train with me I never asked to see their diploma. I would just put him on the floor and look at their performance. Within a minute I could tell if his training was sound or not. I would say one of two things, “good work, who’s is your instructor” or “well we got a little work to do”. Bottom line most everyone pays for there belt by paying tuition for monthly fees to your instructor and school.
More to follow.
I am a black belt under Mr. Adrian Roman...I can assure you his Kenpo is ligit and authentic.He does offer his course on sale and also options to pay for testing fees but does not give away black belts. He is a great man and well respected teacher..please do your home work before criticizing his organization. He is one of the only teachers around teaching Kenpo the way Mr. Parker wanted and described in his books.
I am a black belt under Mr. Adrian Roman...I can assure you his Kenpo is ligit and authentic.He does offer his course on sale and also options to pay for testing fees but does not give away black belts. He is a great man and well respected teacher..please do your home work before criticizing his organization. He is one of the only teachers around teaching Kenpo the way Mr. Parker wanted and described in his books.
