Anyone heard of GM Adrian Roman?


2nd Black Belt
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Katy, Texas
How is he in the area of EPAK? I have his distant learning program and am wondering if it is worthwhile.
masherdong said:
How is he in the area of EPAK? I have his distant learning program and am wondering if it is worthwhile.
He sells black belts and black belt certificates by mail order. Stay away.
TChase said:
He sells black belts and black belt certificates by mail order. Stay away.
No experience needed. Just pay a lump sum and you get a black belt certificate from him. He's on ebay all of the time. Where's the integrity?

Jamie Seabrook
I think I have looked at just about every Kenpo Home Study/Distance program there is in the USA lol.

The best distance program is one with support, testing program that has been proven, Testing Requirements with a partner, One where the student does not pass the first time due to corrections needed, An Instructor that encourages and accepts distance students at his or her studio for training once a month if possible, Black Belt Testing is required to be in person and it takes several days to complete, The Instructor has a good reputation within the Kenpo Community.

Now with all these things said and done search high and low ask lots of questions and ask questions here on this site about Instructors and his or her history and reputation. I have learned a lot here so should you.
Well, damn! I wish I knew of this site before I bought his program! I think I will stick with Sifu Ibrao's Jun Bao system.
masherdong said:
Well, damn! I wish I knew of this site before I bought his program! I think I will stick with Sifu Ibrao's Jun Bao system.
The black belt stuff aside, how good are Mr. Roman's videos? If you're merely using them as a reference guide, they might be as good as anything else out there. Now if you're really trying to test for a black belt ranking, let's be frank... There is NO distance learning program out there in ANY martial art system that will not draw some second glances from sceptics. So why worry about it? Mr. Ibrao's name may not draw the same hackles as Mr. Roman's, but so what? In the end, you're still getting a video black belt.

I will say that the price Mr. Roman charges in his non-ebay ads is a bit high, though. You might as well stick with Larry Tatum material if you have $1000 to spend. No one questions the authenticity of the kenpo on Mr. Tatum's videos.
Have you considered a live instructor?
Yes, but with my school schedule, it is difficult to find time to go to the studios. There are not that many Kenpo schools here in Houston with the exception of Terry Mccord, Jason Bugg, and James Smith. I have yet to make contact with either of them. I really need too.
Masher that is three more schools than I have in my hometown. You are blessed and get to one of them asap lol.
Go to click on "media" then click on "Karate" Larry Tatum's "When Kenpo Strikes" series is now priced at $9.99 for VHS or DVD, you can not beat this price, I just ordered all 23 DVDs.
Having purchased one of these in the past. I can tell you that they are a help to more advanced practioners, but if your looking to learn the techs., no. I picked up Mr.Tabatabai's tapes(on dvd), and they're pretty good. I am not sure they would be as much of a benefit to a neophyte kenpoist. As they are to someone who would say be looking more for reference material. For me they have been pretty good at jaring loose the rust. I think he does a fairly good job of pointing out the basic points of the tchs., and forms. The instruction is fairly fast in presentation. Although he does alot of slow mo repeats of the techs/forms at full speed. I think the time would have been better spent. If he would have slowed down the instructional portions. Again though, for a experienced kenpoist. These are decent reference tapes. My biggest disapointment with these dvds. Would be, that I thought that being on dvd they would have a menu of techniques on each one for quick reference, but in the words of the late Mr.Belushi. But nnnooooooooooooo.
Hope this helps with your search.
By His Grace 1st John 1:9
Yeah, I have Mr. Tabatabai's collection of tapes up to 2nd black. I think that the pace is too fast for noobs. Which is why I am trying to find a live instructor.
Quite simply put stay away from this man's program. He is the biggest "McDojo" I have ever came across. I actually bought his "DVD" set, which is a collection of home made VHS tapes encoded to DVD, very poor. Go with Mohammad Tabatthi (spelling) or Larry Tatum for good quality Kenpo Material. You can get both of these through century for $10/dvd.

Michael Deslongchamps
masherdong said:
How is he in the area of EPAK? I have his distant learning program and am wondering if it is worthwhile.
Perhaps you should have inquired BEFORE you acquired the program. Just a thought sir.
Adrian Roman is in the Black Belt Hall of Fame and high ranked in Ed Parkers American Kenpo, he also has his own system where he's SUPER High Ranked.

Alot of folks here are down on Distance Learning, I haven't made up my mind yet as the only one of Adrian Romans Videos I've seen is the Forms Video but I thought it useful for my girls who are training locally in an Amerikick

Many say it's IMPOSSIBLE to learn via Video. I'm not so sure myself as I've learned many things this way but MA is not one of them and I have NOT seen the Videos as yet. I just ordered Adrian Roman's completete system, for $89 on Ebay it's a bargain, highly unlikely I'd have bought for $995 and some of his prices on his website are truly HIGH!!!!! As someone mentioned $28,000 for DVD Set and CD with Manuals and Certificatation and ability to use Adrian Roman's Kenpo Name I think it was.

I still think that even if you only learn 20% of what the Videos teach, thats better than learning 100% of NOTHING as some folks say theres a fair number of techniques that APPEAR different than what they actually are. I may have a complete change of heart after seeing the "Belt" Videos tho I found the forms well done and fairly easy to follow. I'm no superman just a Kanonhwarori Kahnwawakero:non...silly person from Kahnawake(near the Rapids)

Skennen Peace.

Your mileage may vary.
Kwiter said:
Adrian Roman is in the Black Belt Hall of Fame and high ranked in Ed Parkers American Kenpo, he also has his own system where he's SUPER High Ranked.
He is in A Black Belt Hall of Fame. There is no THE Hall of Fame. They happen to be a dime a dozen these days
Many say it's IMPOSSIBLE to learn via Video. I'm not so sure myself as I've learned many things this way but MA is not one of them and I have NOT seen the Videos as yet.
Would you bet your life on it?
I still think that even if you only learn 20% of what the Videos teach, thats better than learning 100% of NOTHING ...
I tend to disagree. I think most would be better off using their own survival instincts over attempting a nebulous 'technique' they watched on a tape, and tried to learn.