Anyone find FUll contact sparring fun like me??>>

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I injoy full contact sparring if you were head gear, Ufc gloves, mouth guard, cup, ITs so fun as long as it is friendly testing your skill level showing moves to friends. Its fun we do it maybe once every month or every other . Gives us all time to add new moves get stronger etc. Dos anyone else do this kind of thing, Because of this i got to fight diffrent types of fighters . (keep in mind these are my friends most of the time and we have rules and refs/judges.) Please share stories about your ufc experience or if you do this at all or are intrested i can answer some questions.

Your friend Judo-kid.:D
I seem to remember somewhere on this board your age was mentioned and you were rather young..............all I can say is enjoy all the sparring while your young! ;) Because when you get past "30 something" your body slows down ( at least in the repair department) it gets harder to get up and go make a living the next day after a good night of full contact sparring, and it takes about twice as long to heal if you get injured.
If you are presently doing non-contact sparring I recommend you try full contact a couple of times just to see what it is like and feel the difference.
Having said that I would also suggest protective head gear preferably with some sort of face guard to keep you from getting a broken nose or losing a tooth.
We call it ground & pound. Yeah I like it..........ok I love it. We wear gloves and cups. We go about 75-80% to the body....we don't want any broken ribs......and about 30-40%to the head. Hey I don't want to ruin my perfect smile.............:D I don't do it as much as I would like. Not as many people are as interested in it as I am. Oh well.

Full-contact sparring wearing gear... Yeah. Now try it without gear (other than a cup).

Be lucky, traditionally, it was with no protection and it was till the other guy submitted or you KOed him.
Originally posted by MartialArtist

Full-contact sparring wearing gear... Yeah. Now try it without gear (other than a cup).

Be lucky, traditionally, it was with no protection and it was till the other guy submitted or you KOed him.

Really? Where was this?
Are you crazy? Somebody would get killed. The guys I spar with do 8 boards on the spot with their feet, 6 with their hands. (12x12x1 spruce or pine, no spacers.) No problem. All but one (only because he's a few months to old) are going to the Jr. Worlds. And did I mention the smallest one out weights me by 15 pounds? The biggest by over 50. We bruse ribs, and break noses all the time, but full contact would just be insane and somebody would end up in the hospital. (Probably me.)
Hey you train at Tien Leung, maybe in a year or 2 when your older you and I will fight in a tournament sometime!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I am about to conpete in a event that we all put together UFC rules fights at a feild in the coming months. I used to fight without gear with others in ufc type fights but i am worried because a bunch of these guys never fought full contact in there lifes and proble half or 2/3 rds are products of mcdojos. The gear is needed for the other poeple. I want everyone that shows up to have a fun time and to look forward to the next event next year . There will be a ref judges and we will all exchange moves ideas etc . Gonna be a real blast Wish me luck!
Hey you train at Tien Lung, maybe in a year or 2 when your older you and I will fight in a tournament sometime!

If I survive the Jr. Worlds that is sir. :D