Weight training and strength building has always been and is always a part of Martial Arts training.
People just confuse big muscles as the answer to being a stronger fighter and better fighter. Because of this they end up developing their strength the wrong way. They end up up with bigger muscles that begins to restrict movement. Here's an example.
There is a reason why all fighters have a similar build. The activity dictates the muscle build. If a person is only lifting weights to build strength for fighting then they are not doing the fighting movement that will dictate how the muscles should be built. When martial artist make the argument about building muscle, this is what I assume they are talking about. I'm only saying this because I have never had a martial arts teacher that was weak. It was totally opposite. They were crazy strong, but they weren't build like body builders which made it "crazy." They look like everyday people but had some incredible power and strength. Could they fight? From what I hear from others, yes. But they weren't weak by any definition.
If there is a question about Strength and Martial Arts. Then it should be: What is the best way to build strength for Martial Arts?
I finally watched both video. My original comment was just by looking at the image of all the muscles, those are big muscles.
The first one is weak, I bet he never even think about punching, it's like starting from ground scratch.
The second one is NOT SO BAD. Yes, it's not that good, BUT so are a lot of people.
I think a lot of people think they are better than they really are. When one practice, they feel they are doing it right, they feel good. They might be into a brutal awakening if they record it and watch it. I have not been posting in the weapon section here, I did not make a video for over 1/2 year. I feel I improve a lot since the beginning of the year, I feel good......AND I don't dare to make a video and watch it because I might be disappointed.
Also, there are a lot of armchair quarterbacks. It's easy to criticizing others, doing it is a different story. I would definitely not going to challenge the second one for sure. Just because he doesn't look fast doesn't mean there is no stopping power. If you watch UFC heavy weight fights, they are slow, sloppy, but one punch that doesn't look like anything can knock the opponent out cold. This is a short video, you can see some knockouts that look like nothing and the guy dropped:
Don't underestimate the power of raw muscle. I am sure people watching this will have a lot of criticism how they punch, no body rotation, slow and all that. You seriously think any light weight UFC
top fighter can survive in the octagon with a so-so heavy weight? I bet the light weight one can dance around and land a few nice looking hits, but then one big punch from the big guy, and the light weight goes flying.