Sorry but I have never heard of this system could one of you please tell me more about it
what are the differences between Kyokushin and Sedio? Why did Kaicho Nakamura break away from his original organization and was he a 9th dan before breaking away
thanks for any information
Seido juku was created by kyokushin legend Tadashi Nakamura, one of the 3 men who was sent by Kyokushin to thailand in 1964 for the famous kyokushin vs Muaythai challenge, when thaiboxing sent a official challenge to japanese karate and Kyokushin answered.
He was also very influential on the formation of the early kyokushin, and was for a long time regarded as the heir apparent to Oyama in kyokushin.
Nakamura was sent to USA as kyokushin head instructor there in the 70ies, and left kyokushin (or was thrown out depending on who you ask) in 1976 when he was 7th dan (a grade he received in 1975), founding Seido juku the same year. The less said about the split the better, lets just say that there are many different takes on what happened, and each take tend to favor the teller.
basically it was a bad period in kyokushin with lots of bad stuff and political infighting going on.
Technically Seido juku is more or less identical to oldschool kyokushin, with very few differences that is not purely cosmetic. More or less the same kata, more or less the same techniques done more or less the same way.
Knockdown and full contact training is not done in seido as it is in kyokushin. It IS done, but more depending on the individual dojo than as united sparring form for the style.
Nakamura today has become very influenced by zen Buddhism, and much of it slips into the style. Lots of meditation and so on. He is no longer the fanatic fighter he was when he was sent to thailand and knocked out a champion thaiboxer under thaiboxing rules to prove the worth of karate as a fighing art.
All in all a good style, even if I, as a kyokushin guy, dislike the dropped focus on knockdown/full contact and increased focus on philosophical aspects.