Any recommendations for KM instruction in NYC?

Hey Cali, while i didnt mean to make you change anything in your original post i think it was the right call.

i dont know james sherman. but, i know many are reading the forum. so when anyone attaching a name to a negative, or a positive post - it should have a good justification to make it public. (surely if it was positive none would care much) :)

I hope you will find a proper school that may fit your needs. please, do update the forum with your findings so others may gain from your experience. it is not a secret that good instructors arent often easy to be found at the U.S. that at least was the impression i got from the net.
Hey Donsky! Thanks for pointing it out. I didn't realize this was being picked up by many readers. I have asked admin to amend it. I hate negative comments too. You're right: good instructors are really hard to find in the US but I think NYC is fast becoming a good place to train. I have attended some amazing schools here - such as the IKMF and KMF schools. Both good strong places with close and strong links to Imi. I started at KMF, I am now training at the IKMF school and I am looking forward to attending some more classes at an IKMA school as soon as I get the chance! We are spoiled for choice! The more attention that Krav Maga gets as a whole the better it is for everyone. It is an amazing form of self defense and everyone should do it!
Hey Cali,

I'm surprised to see you mentioned James Sherman as afaik he is an IKMA instructor. I must admit, i'm pretty biased towards IKMA for the simple reason that to me thery're the only institute that remainds to be imi's torch carriers of KM.

with that said, i'm sure it doesnt contradict the fact that there could be bad experiences no matter what, just thougth you might be able to elaborate for us to know what went wrong, and maybe someone could validate it, or contradict with the appropriate knowledge.

James Sherman is no longer associated with the IKMA in any way, shape or form. I will not state why, it is not for me to say.

Donsky, who do you train with by the way? :)

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