Yellow Belt
I understand why you are upset by my comment and I am sorry if it caused offense but that was my impression from the classes I attended. It has nothing to do with eye gauging. I quote from your comment above 'we are the only system with a true street-based ground-system'. Ground based systems are very MMA in appearance. A former IDF special forces officer I met at a Krav Maga organization based in Brooklyn said to me that in all the years he has taught Krav Maga - ground work was not encouraged or taught in his unit in the IDF. I suppose it depends on what unit you serve in.
I was not turning this political. I have no interest in any of these organizations but the accusatory and defensive tone of your comments to my recommendation forced me to defend my position.
Your comments about IKMA being the most adaptive organization is COMPLETELY untrue and without basis. All these Krav Maga organizations are constantly updating things - the IKMA is not special here at all. Between the various seminars I have been to techniques have changes quite a few times already. I am fully aware military service is compulsory in Israel. I spent 3 years as a young man completing my military service there. Although, you are correct that Krav Maga training is minimal for certain units, other units spend a lot longer than 2 weeks. I also know of Nir Maman - a very impressive individual - however - I strongly disagree about your assertion that IKMF, KMG and KMWW are nothing like Israeli military Krav Maga, that is totally and completely false and misleading. By making this suggestion you are clearly disparaging these organizations and I would urge you to reconsider that comment because it is plainly not true. Techniques do vary from unit to unit and between instructors. My instructors have never said anything about this to me but it is obvious from my research and the friends I have in Israel that IKMF Krav Maga is practised in the military. Imi did not have a chosen one.
Thank you for your comment that I have no understanding of what I am saying. You are mistaken - the IKMF have adapted the military techniques for civilians but they still teach the military techniques.
I fully admit I am not an expert in this field however on reading about this subject after your messages, I now believe you to be mistaken and misguided by your affiliation.
You clearly implied this in your comments by suggesting the IKMA was the only worthy organization of recognition and that your techniques were superior. Again, completely untrue.
The success of a product clearly has some bearing on its quality. Your analogy between Krav Maga and coffee is misleading. Coffee is a low cost product that requires a low one off investment, Krav Maga is expensive investment that takes years to master. A more accurate analogy would be to compare it to a school or educational College that has a high number of applicants and one that has fewer. IKMA has a much smaller following than IKMF.
I am sorry if my comparison to MMA offended you. It was an observation and was not intended to be derogatory.
I was not turning this political. I have no interest in any of these organizations but the accusatory and defensive tone of your comments to my recommendation forced me to defend my position.
Your comments about IKMA being the most adaptive organization is COMPLETELY untrue and without basis. All these Krav Maga organizations are constantly updating things - the IKMA is not special here at all. Between the various seminars I have been to techniques have changes quite a few times already. I am fully aware military service is compulsory in Israel. I spent 3 years as a young man completing my military service there. Although, you are correct that Krav Maga training is minimal for certain units, other units spend a lot longer than 2 weeks. I also know of Nir Maman - a very impressive individual - however - I strongly disagree about your assertion that IKMF, KMG and KMWW are nothing like Israeli military Krav Maga, that is totally and completely false and misleading. By making this suggestion you are clearly disparaging these organizations and I would urge you to reconsider that comment because it is plainly not true. Techniques do vary from unit to unit and between instructors. My instructors have never said anything about this to me but it is obvious from my research and the friends I have in Israel that IKMF Krav Maga is practised in the military. Imi did not have a chosen one.
Thank you for your comment that I have no understanding of what I am saying. You are mistaken - the IKMF have adapted the military techniques for civilians but they still teach the military techniques.
I fully admit I am not an expert in this field however on reading about this subject after your messages, I now believe you to be mistaken and misguided by your affiliation.
You clearly implied this in your comments by suggesting the IKMA was the only worthy organization of recognition and that your techniques were superior. Again, completely untrue.
The success of a product clearly has some bearing on its quality. Your analogy between Krav Maga and coffee is misleading. Coffee is a low cost product that requires a low one off investment, Krav Maga is expensive investment that takes years to master. A more accurate analogy would be to compare it to a school or educational College that has a high number of applicants and one that has fewer. IKMA has a much smaller following than IKMF.
I am sorry if my comparison to MMA offended you. It was an observation and was not intended to be derogatory.