Shucks! Over here too?!
Arthur, you're going to get me in trouble yet!
As Neal Boortz once put it, "a democracy is three Klansmen and a black voting on whether to lynch the black."
Democracies are *terrible*. The USA is not a democracy! Technically, we're a constitutional republic. While most of our elections are based on majority election, we vote for representatives who then vote in congress on various laws, treaties, etc. Having elected representatives vote on laws, etc. is a republican form of government, not a democratic. A democratic form of government is where every citizen votes on every issue.
And our republic is constrained (at least it's supposed to be) by a constitution that spells out the limits of government.
There is a respect for minority rights (that's why the president is elected, not by a majority vote, but by the Electoral College. The college is biased, giving greater electoral weight to the smaller populated states compared to the states with larger populations. That way, the citizens of New York or California can't run the country. Also, while the House has congressmen proportional to a state's given population, the senate has two senators per state. Wyoming in the senate has just as many senators as California.
We have free elections, not democratic elections.
Just a particular bee in my bonnet. I think the Democrats have been pushing the "we're a democratic country" scam since the 1920's, to encourage the politically illiterate to vote for their party.
It's just not true.