Unless I am missing something - this seems to be at odds with what you originally said...
Hmm...I said that martial application needs to be trained before solo kata...so, core fundamentals need to be trained an an application environment before they are taught as kata. This way, the student know what the movements, poses, postures are of, and understands the application of them, thus making them meaningful, and not meaningless dance.
You seem to suggest here that prior to learning and practicing solo kata (in order to imbed fundamentals like balance, stability, shifting and mobility) - you should first be exposed to all probable applications that may arise from having inculcated said qualities?
No, if one does kata without training applications, there is no real application, so the kata becomes empty and dancelike.
What are "all of the potential armed and unarmed applications"? - I would argue that it is impossible to know and confining the practice of kata into 'probabilities' is flawed and goes against its raison d'être.