Any Good Technical/Theory Books on Wing Chun?


Green Belt
Can you tell me if there are any good books that explain the Wing Chun Therory in-depth? or any technical stuff.

Practice is the best way to learn, but I would like to build my knowledge and understanding on any part of Wing Chun where I COULD get something from a written explanation, in addition to my practical training.

oh ya, I have some money that's burning a whole in my pocket too! haha (Sorry, not enough to share! :) )

I guess I should have searched the forum before creating this theard. Live and Learn!

From a previous thread, I've found the following books I will now consider. It's important to know what you want out of a book before chosing one, but since I'm new, I'm not sure what that is.

My first thought is that I need everything, but I'm probably not ready for everything (probably won't truely understand it). I'll try to stick with what I will understand. I guess all the below books will suit me well! And keep me busy when I'm not training, as well as a nice reference in the future.

I guess I need to borrow some money to afford them all now!

Thanks for your posts!

1. "Mastering Kung Fu: Featuring Wing Chun Kung Fu"

2. The Wing Chun Compendium by Wayne Belonoha

3. "Simply Wing Chun" **

4. "Complete Wing Chun"

5. Principles & Techniques by Yip Chun, Danny Connor
I only know of 1 book worth buying on Wing Chun and its not technical.
Wing Chun warrior.

getting his tapes are good, but you can't learn from tapes.
I would read Sifu Allen Lee articles also they are very good.

Both Allen lee and Duncan Leung are Closed door Disciples of Ip Man.

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