Anti-takedown techniques using internal energy

One of the best things about fraternizing with many excellent martial artists is I get sent really cool memes that actually make sense, like this simple explanation of "internal".

Now, did CMC actually say this somewhere?

Is the Yang Family TCC Mafia going to show up? Self quarantining, so I've got some time on my hands.

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As it is with many Martial Arts........if taught or grasped. "when the hands move the feet move."
Can the methods shown below really work outside of sparring, in a competitive fight or self-defense situation?

That technique can work in a real fight situation, however, that situation will only arise when a opponent finds his hands or feet do not or has not been working against you. In other words, you will get idiots that will charge you because they feel they have no other choice. I say idiot, because when a person charges you, they leave so much of themselves open to so many counters, however, the person doing the bear claw leaves themselves open to many counters as well lol.
Can the methods shown below really work outside of sparring, in a competitive fight or self-defense situation?
Ignore the judo video, the judo guy was told to go easy and the whole clip was produced in that propaganda-ish fashion that still happens in China.
Ignore the judo video, the judo guy was told to go easy and the whole clip was produced in that propaganda-ish fashion that still happens in China.

Yeah. I have been trying to find the karate kickboxing guy who did one. That makes that point super obvious.
May be we need to define what "internal energy" is. Is it superior than "external energy"? How?
Never heard anyone that I know express this, they say, that its different all CMA are "internal"
The difference is in how and what is used to express it...

"内家拳六面力vs中国跤劲路.(The power of Neijiaquan in six directions VS The power line of Chinese wrestling)"

What is shown based on xingyi perspective,
taiji , bagua use a different method depending on teacher
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Bagua style take downs

Breaking people's feet off. That's the real kung Fu.

My knowledge of Baguazhang is basic, so thanks for the vids.

One of the most menacing Kung Fu Sanda fighters I've ever seen was a Baguazhang guy. I think he fought pro at some point too, but he was as down to earth and funny as he is as an absolute hulk on the mats.

Video out there somewhere of him sparring, who knows where but if I find it, you're gonna feel pain through the screen.
As I can see the main point of attack is knee (kind of heel hook attack). I really doubt if he can succesfully attack an anckle in this way.
But without any control of the rest of the body, this technique shoul be applied very, very fast or the opponent will escape by rolling.
Yeah it's kind of a weak demo.

Fast and furious, heel hooks are freaking brutal in any position. Thank God they're banned in a lot of places. Injuries suck and these are the worst I've ever experienced (I call it "shanked ankle" or shankled...months of recovery ).
Yeah it's kind of a weak demo.
😂 tough crowd

A demo...the type of body developed from the practice is very solid,,,not many internal gaps if any 😐...
Speed, reaction time is slowed, controlled movements showing the idea in use.
Being that it is a demo...not actual usage
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As I can see the main point of attack is knee (kind of heel hook attack). I really doubt if he can succesfully attack an anckle in this way.
But without any control of the rest of the body, this technique shoul be applied very, very fast or the opponent will escape by rolling.

Or kick them.
Yeah it's kind of a weak demo.

Fast and furious, heel hooks are freaking brutal in any position. Thank God they're banned in a lot of places. Injuries suck and these are the worst I've ever experienced (I call it "shanked ankle" or shankled...months of recovery ).

Hard to do on a hard surface. You get a demo with the guy trying to fall over. But also not trying to fall over.

Those throws do exist as working throws.
😂 tough crowd

A demo...the type of body developed from the practice is very solid,,,not many internal gaps if any 😐...
Speed, reaction time is slowed, controlled movements showing the idea in use.
Being that it is a demo...not actual usage

I like what I see in the video, even though the really interesting stuff has to be felt. You mentioned "6 directions" in the xingyi video, is it a concept in your art as well? Assuming that we're talking about the same thing, I appreciate that it is incredibly difficult to maintain 6D in movement (I couldn't do those throws properly, even without a partner).

Are you talking about this type of body?

I like what I see in the video, even though the really interesting stuff has to be felt. You mentioned "6 directions" in the xingyi video, is it a concept in your art as well? Assuming that we're talking about the same thing,

Hard to say, my training based on the methods of my teacher in Beijing...taiji,
Master Zhang Yong liang 張永良師傅. 1920–2020

He and his group used some of the members there who had training in "Shuai jiao" Chinese wrestling, or of some bagua practitioners who used to come and practice with his group.

They would try different holds and take downs....He using his methods would "demo" how to neutralize them...

some of the practice during 2002
In his 80s at the time of the demo, the clip not a formal demo nor any type of competition. having said that, those there are actively trying to see if they can use their technique on the master
it was funny 😂

A little off topic,,our practice focused primarily on the use of intent, developing it, actively using it as part of an overall strategy based method

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More cool stuff:

Often what looks" cool" 🤔

is very focused on showing or demoing a specific technique or concept.
In reality, or the term most often used "resisting opponent" 😐
of equal or greater skill

The ability to apply it very much dependent on other skill factors not used in the "demo".
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What make his opponent not be able to release his grip?

- I hold on your arm.
- You turn your arm and put pressure on my grip.
- I'm still stupid enough not to release my grip.

In real world, this will never happen.
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