Anthony Hopkins: Why I am still an outsider

Ken Morgan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
What a wonderful attitude

It is 8.30 on a sunny southern California morning and the trim, white-haired 72-year-old man with the challenging eyes has been up since 6am working out on his treadmill: “There’s so much I want to do. But I’m getting older — I have to be careful. I tend to charge around like a bull in a china shop so I have to slow down.”

Sir Anthony Hopkins has lost weight — “75 pounds” he announces proudly. “If I can burn off 500 calories in an hour, why not burn off 1,000 in two hours? Until I’m a wet rag.” Hopkins has been on a treadmill for much of his life. He is a man of extremes. Only now, instead of battling them, he is embracing them.

When he enters Fig, a restaurant in Santa Monica, heads turn. Women look up from their grapefruit. He doesn’t notice. There is the sense that he has already accomplished more today, before breakfast, than most people will all day.
This guy is one great actor.
He's also a recovering alcoholic with roughly 30 years (or more) sober. From my friends who have met him they said he is a very gentle man and a gentleman and just an all around good kind of guy. A good listener and you can feel he really cares when he listens.

I've always enjoyed his films. He has obvious good taste in selection of material (95% of the time... he has been in a couple of bombs).

We could use more guys like him.
I'm an outsider too. so i can relate to him a bit.

btw I love his letters TYFP. thats your ****** problem. LOL! I think that way when someone judges me for what i am without bothering to get to know me.

he is an excellent actor. He was good as the psychiatrist Hannibal He makes you believe that he really is this evil guy.