Nevada_MO_Guy said:Final Destination.
*spoiler alert*
I ended up using final destination for the project.
I was doing a presentation in a graduate psych class on false memory implimentation in critical incident amnesia. I picked the scene where the teacher (I am guessing) was at home and her computer exploded and a piece of glass sliced her throat. I didn't frame the scene at all, I just played it starting when she threw out the hot water from the coffee mug and decided to fill it up with liquor instead. Without framing or the students knowing exactly what movie we were watching, it ended up being somewhat suspensful for them. The scene was only about 30 seconds.
It was good, it got a good jump for some people.
It worked out for the project as well because with leading questions, students created false memories about the details from the thirty second clip (and some were pretty significant, such as descriptions of the woman and from what cut her throat). Of course there was that revalation and a discussion afterwords, backed with academic sources.
All and all, it was a success. And it provides a good discussion here. Nice work everyone!