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ed-swckf said:
Yeah it was 93 in the uk today and no one i know has AC.

Why is it that on hot days i get the urge to go running?

Cause then you have an excuse not to go

Why do people immediately call you on your cell phone when you've told them it is for emergencies only and to call a different number first?
Because it's easier and quicker than leaving a message.

Who calls kids on cell phones when they're in school?
Kacey said:
Because it's easier and quicker than leaving a message.

Who calls kids on cell phones when they're in school?

Only a parent with a complex
Why does a man have a complex about other men?
Kacey said:
Because it's easier and quicker than leaving a message.

Who calls kids on cell phones when they're in school?

Kids in other classrooms.

What news is so important to a pre-teen that they need a cell phone to "stay in the loop."
What are you wearing to class tommorrow
How old before you let your childern drive?
terryl965 said:
What are you wearing to class tommorrow
How old before you let your childern drive?

Sixteen (soon as possible)

Do you help with vehicle costs (insurance, etc) or let them learn about it the hard way?
stone_dragone said:
Sixteen (soon as possible)

Do you help with vehicle costs (insurance, etc) or let them learn about it the hard way?

Make em do it themselves so they respect the vehicle.

Why is it that women will often stay in a relationship until something better comes along, as opposed to breaking up and being single?
Technopunk said:
Make em do it themselves so they respect the vehicle.

Why is it that women will often stay in a relationship until something better comes along, as opposed to breaking up and being single?

Afraid of being lonely?

Why is it I can't pick the right lotto numbers?
Lisa said:
Why is it I can't pick the right lotto numbers?
When I figure that out, I'll send you a share of my winnings.

Why is it so difficult for people to change their behaviors?
Why is it so difficult for people to change their behaviors?

People do not b elieve they need to change

What makes people change there behavior?
terryl965 said:
What makes people change there behavior?

Desire motivates people to change their behaviour.

Why am I still single?
bookworm_cn317 said:
Probably 'cause they think it's COOL!

What is your favorite memory from your childhood?

My Dad reading me the Hobbit.

Why does Peter Jackson look like a homeless dude?
JBrainard said:
Why does Peter Jackson look like a homeless dude?

No need to keep up your appearance when you have enough money to get anything you want!!

Who was the only President that was blind in one eye?
Ceicei said:
It's the sun that makes it hot...

Who invented the ice cube? :uhyeah:

The rapper, Ice Cube invented the ice cube. Before that, they were strange oblong shapes with rounded bottoms.

If the plural of octopus is octopi, why isn't the plural of penis, peni?
Your free time was purchased at a price.

If we get sick from bad germs, do "bad germs" get sick?