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Swordlady said:
If we have another Republican president in 2008, will you stay in the U.S. - or move to another country?

I'm staying, I've survived the Clinton/Bush years so far.

Is voting third party throwing your vote away?
Not at all. And if we can get true campaign reform, a third party might even have a chance.

Where the heck is my "Fist of Legend" DVD?
where you last left it.

am I smart because I am twelve and in tenth grade or dumb for going to a place where peopel ATTEMPT to shove me in trashcans?
KenpoSterre said:
am I smart because I am twelve and in tenth grade or dumb for going to a place where peopel ATTEMPT to shove me in trashcans?


Why do I want to be in graduate school again?
KenpoSterre said:
cuz you failed the first time (jk) :)

whos smarter chuck norris or bruce lee?

Lets see Chuck is alive and well and will beat the living daylites out of us if I say Bruce... OK it's Chuck

Why am I so tired at 9:00PM?
Xue Sheng said:
Why am I so tired at 9:00PM?
Because you probably didn't get enough sleep or are on medications or work a swing shift or you haven't been to bed since 9:00pm the previous night.....or....

Ladies, what can you do for a sore uvula?
Nevada_MO_Guy said:
Because you probably didn't get enough sleep or are on medications or work a swing shift or you haven't been to bed since 9:00pm the previous night.....or....

Ladies, what can you do for a sore uvula?
Yours or hers?

Why does that question sound vaguely naughty?
A guy- definitely a stinky, smelly, guy!

What is the quickest and safest way to get rid of a sinus headache?
They would never fight because they are both good guys.

Why do I have like 200 channels and nothing good is on??
Because most everything on television nowadays is some kind of "reality show" crap.

Have you ever been to a foreign country - and if so, where?
Swordlady said:
Because most everything on television nowadays is some kind of "reality show" crap.

Have you ever been to a foreign country - and if so, where?

Yes, China and very briefly Japan

Why isn't it Friday yet?
Xue Sheng said:
Why isn't it Friday yet?

Because my time warp device isn't working yet.

Why do I keep getting caught up in little details instead of getting one task completely done?
Because its there, because it has pretty colors, because the pages rip easily, pick any you prefer

WHY isn't my warp device working yet?