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Xue Sheng said:
How can tea have more caffeine and less caffeine than coffee and the same time?
Less caffeine per unit volume, more caffeine because you're drinking it out of a giant receptacle.

Are there really a bunch of people that use Martial Talk, or are you all Bob?
Of course they aren't all me....uh..I mean Bob!

What will be the name of the top televison show in the year 2050?
Flatlander said:
Less caffeine per unit volume, more caffeine because you're drinking it out of a giant receptacle.

More caffeine per pound less caffeine per cup actually

stickarts said:
What will be the name of the top televison show in the year 2050?

That's a trick question TV won't exist in 2050,

What is the color of the square root of 2?
Mr. Snuffleupagus. He was real, darn it!

Will I ever get a date?
Lisa said:
Will there ever be an end to this thread?

Depends on the constraints of the database.

Is it OK to hide inside on a 100+ degree day?
Gases that make up the atmosphere- like oxygen (to name one of many up there), and elements.

Do you replace your toothbrush within the recommended time that's on the package/ dentist says?
tkdgirl said:
Do you replace your toothbrush within the recommended time that's on the package/ dentist says?

Not usually... I get a new toothbrush when I go to the dentist, although I did start getting those ones with the blue bristles that you're supposed to replace when the blue goes away.

Do you floss regularly?
Xue Sheng said:
What were the last words of the Dolphins?
Being the most intelligent creatures on the planet, it was "So long and thanks for all the fish."

If I have my name stated on my voicemail recording, why is someone repeatedly calling me for someone else??? :|
OUMoose said:
If I have my name stated on my voicemail recording, why is someone repeatedly calling me for someone else??? :|
Because someone started telling people they don't need to listen to anyone and they stopped.

Why is public nudity a problem?
shesulsa said:
Why is public nudity a problem?
Uhhhhh... have you SEEN some of the people that want to be nudists?? :xtrmshock Like watching a train wreck...

Which is better, being good at being bad, or being bad at being good?
OUMoose said:
Which is better, being good at being bad, or being bad at being good?
The first one.

When will the government realize it has no financial stake in the coffee industry and regulate it as a controlled substance?
Never!! It's taken them 100 years to get rid of this tax: (This was from

The Spanish-American War has been over for more than 100 years, and now so is the tax imposed in 1898 to help fund it.
As of Tuesday, all phone companies selling long-distance phone service are legally required to eliminate the 3 percent federal excise tax on long-distance service, which had been established in 1898 as a luxury tax on wealthy Americans who owned telephones.
Verizon Communications said Tuesday that it has stopped collecting the 3 percent federal excise tax on monthly consumer telephone bills for long-distance and bundled services.
After a long legal battle and strong urging from Congress, the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of the Treasury decided in May to discontinue the federal 3 percent excise tax on long-distance telephone service effective Aug. 1.
It also decided not to apply the tax to wireless, voice over Internet Protocol service, prepaid telephone cards and other bundled services. The IRS also said it would allow taxpayers to claim a refund in 2007 for taxes collected on those services retroactive to February 2003.
The last portion of the tax, pertaining only to local telephone service, remains in effect. But Verizon and other telecom companies are urging Congress to repeal the tax in total this year.
"We have been working for years on behalf of our customers to eliminate this outdated and regressive tax," Bob Ingalls, president of Verizon's Retail Markets Group, said in a statement. "This is a good first step in alleviating consumers' telephone tax burden."

Why don't woodpeckers get a headache from all that banging into trees all day?