And your friend is the exception not the rule. For everyone of him I can give you 10 that have been locked up over 10 times for cocaine and never been to jail more then a day or two. That just doesnt happen that offer. I arrested a guy 8 months ago with 6 pounds of weed. We had his trial the other day he got 10 days to be served on weekends
Huh? So more access and easier access won't cause more people to try it? More people try it everyday when its already illegal and unregulated and can kill you yet you believe making it legal won't get more people to try it?
Better care? How? At least now the threat of arrest is a good motivator to keep soneone clean. Make it legal and you loose that motivation. Also being arrestes gets people into programs I cant tell you how many moms and wives have begged me to arrest a family member to get them help.
oh ok so only the laws YOU like need to need enforced. You should write a list and send it to your legislature since I don't make any laws I only enforce the ones I'm given
Once again I don't support legalization of all drugs. My father was a meth head and we couldn't get the cops to do anything. Andthe guy I know that was arrested for weed isn't a friend, I only know him through a rehab program that my friend is in for alcohol abuse. I was there to support my friend when this other guy was introduced.
Also, when our law makers are guilty of the same crimes that a college kid gets his Life ruined over... Yet get no penalties? That's hypocrisy.
As for only supporting the laws I agree with. Well. I remember discussions of cops that would not enforce gun control laws if they were passed. You seemed all for that.
Try and twist it all you like. The system is broken. It needs reevaluation and some changes. I actually agree with arni on this, treatment, not jail for nonviolent drug offenses. Jail doesn't help these people. And when they get out, they can't find work. End up in the system and go to lives of crime to pay their bills or just ride the welfare system and get right back on drugs.
But yeah, your way works best right?
Give me a break.
I'm not saying "Crack for everybody!" But I AM saying, there has to be a better way of doing things. The only drug I advocate legalizing is marijuana. There is no reason not to. Research and scientific evidence points to benifits of said drug and safety of said drug. So THAT one I support, yes. The others? Not so much no
As for legalization meaning more people trying it? Really? Everyone I knew in college fell into one of two groups. Those who did drugs DESPITE it being illegal. And those that had no interest. None of the people I knew said "man if only meth were legal I'd be smoking it every day."
As a cop I know you have seen stuff that nobody wants too. I respect that and thank all police for putting themselves in danger to keep dangerous people off the streets. But while I agree with much of what you say, can you honestly claim to have never thought "There has got to be a better way to deal with SOME of these cases"?