Another Act of Racial Fakery

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Man pleads guilty to racial threat using fake Facebook account

(CNN)EXCERPT: -- An African-American man has pleaded guilty after being accused of impersonating a white supremacist in a fictitious Facebook account to make death threats against an African-American university student.
Dyron L. Hart, 20, of Poplarville, Mississippi, pleaded guilty Wednesday before U.S. District Judge Kurt D. Engelhardt to one count of communicating threats in interstate commerce, according to a Department of Justice statement.
Hart admitted creating the fictitious account in November, pretending to be a white supremacist outraged by the election of Barack Obama as the nation's first African-American president, the statement said.
He then transmitted a death threat via Facebook to an African-American student at Nicholls State University in Louisiana, saying he wanted to kill African-Americans because of Obama's election, according to the statement.
A court document provided by the U.S. attorney's office said Hart told an FBI interviewer that he intended the threat to be a prank "to get a reaction."
When this racist goes to prison, the actual white supremacists will LOVE him...
Arrrgh! Let get em!

That's pretty deplorable and the kid should get punished for it.

But why would you point this out? I'm assuming you're noting a perceived double standard in our society when it comes to race relations, but by posting this, aren't you, in essence, perpetuating this vicious cycle?

Your tone certainly implies disgust at this, but skewed towards African Americans. Am I wrong?

In the end, who cares? The initial link was about a single individual. Is he going to destroy the world? No. Must have been a slow news day.
I wonder how many fakers and posers helped impact the recent report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (as discussed in another thread) that CNN, MSNBC have jumped all over? Reporting which seems to attempt to link opposition to President Obama with so-called "right wing extremism".

Unfortunately, questioning authority has gone from being 'un-patriotic' under Bush to downright racism.
I question the legitimacy of this "Southern Poverty Law Center"...from all I can find it's ONE guy with an obvious worldview bias. Fortunately for him its the same bias that CNN..MSNBC et al share.
Arrrgh! Let get em!

That's pretty deplorable and the kid should get punished for it.

But why would you point this out? I'm assuming you're noting a perceived double standard in our society when it comes to race relations, but by posting this, aren't you, in essence, perpetuating this vicious cycle?

Your tone certainly implies disgust at this, but skewed towards African Americans. Am I wrong?

In the end, who cares? The initial link was about a single individual. Is he going to destroy the world? No. Must have been a slow news day.
The Initial Link was about a single individual, but, then Professor Gates was a single individual too, and look how big that story was...
Just as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater is wrong, screeching "RACIST" when the only racist is the "Victim" is equally wrong. Shoot, it might be MORE wrong, because it perpetuates the idiotic idea that all whites/republicans/ etc hate minorities. Yes, you are wrong.
Okay. You see me as wrong.

And I almost forgot to think of conservative white people in that light. But I didn't know they were ALL Republican. Is that a fashion statement? Anyway, thanks for reminding me.

Round and Round we go!
you guys are both making some good points & yet somehow the trap of bipartisan bickering resurfaces.

You know what offends me the most about these cases of FAKE racism? They take away from and lessen the impact of actual acts of racism.
Hello, SAD everywhere....Man hates..this hates tranmit to there children...and there children...

THE HATE NEVERS ENDS...being taught by role need role models...GOOD and NICE can be taught too!

We hate raw oninons....NOT!

Aloha, take away the "E" will have a nice Hat!

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