Blue Belt
I'm 76 and broke my ankle some 28 years ago. The orthopedist decided to just put a cast on and let me walk using crutches until it healed. It sounds like your break was worse than mine and I was far removed from my youth. That foot is still a bit problematic and the ankle slightly misshaped. Flexibility in that joint isn't great and I have "foot drop" on that side. Yes, one must work through it and it can improve quite a bit if care is taken.
One of my black belt students who has his own school had to have a hip replacement; can't recall if it was just one or both. He was a fantastic student. I've seen videos of him training and he's looking the same as always. He was a young adult when he started training at my dojo. I have two sons older than he is.
One of my black belt students who has his own school had to have a hip replacement; can't recall if it was just one or both. He was a fantastic student. I've seen videos of him training and he's looking the same as always. He was a young adult when he started training at my dojo. I have two sons older than he is.