Andrew Klavan solves the middle east problem

OK, that would be worth a politician suggesting, just to see all the jew hating lefties heads explode...
I have to say I do find this fellows delivery very entertaining :D.

And his plan sure beats mine, which was to nuke the entire Middle East into a sea of glass :o. At least it'd be peaceful ... and shiny :eek:. Plus we could still get at the oil without being pestered :angel:.
On a more serious note, despite some of the excesses in recent times, where I think that the Israeli's have just had enough of walking the 'good guy' line and still getting {bleep} from more or less everyone, if they had really wanted to they would have taken a good deal more of the 'Arab' lands long ago.
On a more serious note, despite some of the excesses in recent times, where I think that the Israeli's have just had enough of walking the 'good guy' line and still getting {bleep} from more or less everyone, if they had really wanted to they would have taken a good deal more of the 'Arab' lands long ago.
Sooner or later, the Israeli's will tire of continually being told to be patient and "let the peace process work" of their biggest ally (the US) constantly counseling restraint and the feces will hit the oscillator in a big way.
There will have to be a peace deal made sooner or later between Israel and its neighbours. These types of situations do not end with a military victory. That being said, when you are making peace, itÂ’s always, always best to be dealing from a position of strength.

Suk, your scenario of the place turning into glass is not far off the mark. If for a moment Israel thought that it was going to lose a war with its neighbours, and be overrun, you would see dozens of Israeli nukes going off in every hostile capital city in the area.

If all these countries involved in the Arab Spring finally become full-fledged democracies, with elected, responsible governments, women emancipated and an educated population, peace would come very quickly to the region.
Actually I've always found it's the right wing lot that hate us more.

30 years ago, perhaps. The KKK, for example, is not big on Jews (or Catholics). However, now the Religious Right (formerly called the 'Moral Majority') also known as the Evangelical Christians, who are mostly to the right of Attila the Hun, have a cozy warm relationship with Israel, or at least the notion of Israel and Israelis. Remember, for certain Christian predictions regarding the end of the world to occur, Israel must exist as a nation. I'm not saying Israeli Jews are all that happy about the Christian Right loving on them, but they'll take allies where they can find them.
30 years ago, perhaps. The KKK, for example, is not big on Jews (or Catholics). However, now the Religious Right (formerly called the 'Moral Majority') also known as the Evangelical Christians, who are mostly to the right of Attila the Hun, have a cozy warm relationship with Israel, or at least the notion of Israel and Israelis. Remember, for certain Christian predictions regarding the end of the world to occur, Israel must exist as a nation. I'm not saying Israeli Jews are all that happy about the Christian Right loving on them, but they'll take allies where they can find them.

Not being funny but I do tend to know who hates me, the National Front here, a very right wing organisation along with it's 'combat' arm Combat 18 hates us a lot. They are allied with the KKK btw. Of course Isrealis aren't happy with the right wing haters supporting them but to be honest that support isn't worth much.
However, now the Religious Right (formerly called the 'Moral Majority') also known as the Evangelical Christians, who are mostly to the right of Attila the Hun, have a cozy warm relationship with Israel, or at least the notion of Israel and Israelis. Remember, for certain Christian predictions regarding the end of the world to occur, Israel must exist as a nation.

Very true, but it's use, not love. Israel must exist as a nation, and then be destroyed in the Tribulation to usher in the end times. Those that do not convert to Christianity after will be condemned. Not exactly a selfless support or a support with the best interests of Israel in mind.

Granted, that doesn't describe every eschatology, there are as many flavors of eschatology as there are believers to profess it. Not every evangelical who supports Israel holds this view, but it is a definite strain of thought.

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