And We Were Grateful for What We Had

I also remember pop tab chains! Tab, the worst aftertaste of any drink known to man. What about the guy in the white t-shirt and the black vest singing the Dr. Pepper song

Yeah, I can remember those commercials. How about the anti-littering commercials with the native american on horseback and the tear rolling down his cheek or the Mean Joe Green commercial for Dr. Pepper (at least I think it was DP). How about Roos tennis shoes? The ones with the pocket on the side of them, way before "Air" anything. Or bicycles with only one gear and coaster brakes?
I had a pair of those roos in grey suede. I forgot all about them! Remember the Jordache craze?
Originally posted by Seig
I also remember pop tab chains! Tab, the worst aftertaste of any drink known to man.
Absolutley of the first diet pops:barf:
Originally posted by Seig
I had a pair of those roos in grey suede. I forgot all about them! Remember the Jordache craze?
Ya .. "I wear Jordache or nothing at all"... way to funny! But actually..there was a LEVI craze before the Jordache craze... ripping the Levi tag off the pocket of your school chums... holes and multicolored patches were big too!
My goodness! Am I the oldest one here? I remember when...

* TVs were equipped with two plastic dials. When the grip on those dials wore down and the dial came loose you had to use a butter knife to change the chanel. The first dial gave you control over chanels 2-13. The other dial let you change between 60 changels. I think my first martial arts wrist excercises came from turning the dial from Chanel 20 to Chanel 54. Oh... and I WAS the remote control. Well, me or any sibling (or friend) unlucky enough to be the last child in the room when a show ended.

* Cable consisted of 1 chanel that was only available from 8pm to about 10pm. 1 movie was shown, then is was back to the wrist twisting torture of chanel flipping for your parents.

* Burger franchises were "KING-less" and void of any type of preprocessed chicken lumps. The Big Mac in all it's sesame seed covered glory was the the new thing. Fries came in one size. And your meal was not associated with a number, nor did it have a "happy" or "kids" equivalent.

BTW, I do remember the Green Machine. Thanks for the pic! It brought back a lot of memories! :)
Hey does anyone remember the old fast food franchise, Burger Chef. They used to have the symbol of the giant chef's hat.
Here's one for ya. Stereos that were in a cabinet with the lift up lid on them. Had a.m., an 8 track player and record player in it. If you had one of the high speed ones you had f.m. with an a.f.c. button on it. The record player had 78, 45, 33 1/3. and 16 rpm speeds on it and the quickest way to get into trouble was playing a 33 1/3 album at 45 speed to get it to sound like the chipmunks.
Originally posted by Senfeng
My goodness! Am I the oldest one here? I remember when...

* TVs were equipped with two plastic dials. When the grip on those dials wore down and the dial came loose you had to use a butter knife to change the chanel. The first dial gave you control over chanels 2-13. The other dial let you change between 60 changels. I think my first martial arts wrist excercises came from turning the dial from Chanel 20 to Chanel 54. Oh... and I WAS the remote control. Well, me or any sibling (or friend) unlucky enough to be the last child in the room when a show ended.
Ours had 2-13 and one with a "U" on it. I don't know wht the tv had that many channels, we got 4, 5, 7, 9. Since we lived in D.C we got the extra channel, WTTG. I remember watching Wonderama with Maury Povitch on it. He always had the Jackson 5 as his special musical guest.....I remember the first remote we had, it came with our first VCR in 1983, it had a 12 foot cord on it. My mother and her husband had a "Star Command" remote for his TV. When I got old enough, I learned how to whistle in the right tones to turn the TV on/off, up/down or to change the channels. What that really taught me was how to piss my step-father off while maintaing a good head start.

* Cable consisted of 1 chanel that was only available from 8pm to about 10pm. 1 movie was shown, then is was back to the wrist twisting torture of chanel flipping for your parents.
Cable? We didn't have anything approaching cable until 1989!

* Burger franchises were "KING-less" and void of any type of preprocessed chicken lumps. The Big Mac in all it's sesame seed covered glory was the the new thing. Fries came in one size. And your meal was not associated with a number, nor did it have a "happy" or "kids" equivalent.
I remember the first Happy Meals, they came out with the first Star Trek movie, and they had Star Trek toys. I also remember the "Burger King" magic shows, with the pickle-lo that everyone had to have. Back then. the advertisement was take you whole famil out to dinner for under 5 dollars.
Originally posted by theletch1
...and the quickest way to get into trouble was playing a 33 1/3 album at 45 speed to get it to sound like the chipmunks.
Actually, I used to get in trouble by playing my sister's 45s without the center piece. It just sort of warbled in and out of tune.

How many of you remember when...

... Captain Cruch had only one cereal and Coooooookie Crisp had a magician as its mascot?

... all phones were rotary?

... the only ChiaPet available was the sheep?

... KFC was called Kentucky Fried Chicken

... Hollywood actors performed "Judo" moves through a series of stiff-handed CHOPPING motions that rendered their opponents unconscious.
Originally posted by Seig
Ours had 2-13 and one with a "U" on it. I don't know wht the tv had that many channels, we got 4, 5, 7, 9. Since we lived in D.C we got the extra channel, WTTG. I remember watching Wonderama with Maury Povitch on it. He always had the Jackson 5 as his special musical guest.....I remember the first remote we had, it came with our first VCR in 1983, it had a 12 foot cord on it. My mother and her husband had a "Star Command" remote for his TV. When I got old enough, I learned how to whistle in the right tones to turn the TV on/off, up/down or to change the channels. What that really taught me was how to piss my step-father off while maintaing a good head start...

I knew there had to be someone as old as me on these boards!
Originally posted by Seig
When I got old enough, I learned how to whistle in the right tones to turn the TV on/off, up/down or to change the channels. What that really taught me was how to piss my step-father off while maintaing a good head start.
Car keys worked great to for this...just jiggled them and the channels would change:rofl:
Originally posted by kkbb
Car keys worked great to for this...just jiggled them and the channels would change:rofl:
If I got my hands on his car keys, it was to go get into his brand new Datsun 280Z.

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