And We Were Grateful for What We Had

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Please keep this thread to the concept of the memories.

Does anyone remember listening to the 1972 Canada VS Russia Hockey games on their "Transistor" radio.

Or... The uncle who had extra money and bought one of the first LED watches..... it had the red numbers and a deep red face....

Or the first electronic calculators..... again with the red led's ... it could add, subtract , Multiply, and divide...... and the schools would not let you use them in the class.... afraid you would not learn the 3 R's

Remember the first digital clocks? They had numbers on little cards that flipped down when the time changed and a little light to illuminate them...pretty cool...
I remember when the Canadian dollar was worth more than the American dollar!.... Wow... times have changed...
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I had one. Prefered the Big Wheel. :) (Wore that SOB dad def. got his moneys worth there.)


I LOVED mine ... wish I had a CAR that cool.

Except everyone on the block thought it was stupid and made fun of me. Probably because of my wisp ... I mean lisp.
What about Stretch Arm Strong, GI Joe with Kung Fu grip, the Six Million Dollar Man complete with Bionic Chip. I had a 5 speed bicycle and a spider man wrist shooter. I remember having a 600 pound B&W TV with a 9 inch screen and we got excited when the local line up in DC went to 5 channels!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Seig
What about Stretch Arm Strong, GI Joe with Kung Fu grip, the Six Million Dollar Man complete with Bionic Chip. I had a 5 speed bicycle and a spider man wrist shooter. I remember having a 600 pound B&W TV with a 9 inch screen and we got excited when the local line up in DC went to 5 channels!!!!!!!
Yup...didn't need color tv. Nothing was broadcast in color for a long time ...then came Walt Disney's sunday night show and The Red Skeleton show in color, both could be seen at Grandma & Grandpas house. It was the only place to watch color tv... a round tube one at that!

Those action figures were cool but none were as cool as Major Matt Mason... with his battery operated moon walker! This dude wore a space suit and helmut... very cool...and the walker which he sat had the coolest walking legs you ever seen...walked across almost every terrain...
Really neat
For those that don't know who he is...
and the crawler:
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My mom threw out hundreds of dollars worth of micronauts without telling me.
Heh...I've got a case of the original Kenner Star Wars figures kickin around somewhere.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Heh...I've got a case of the original Kenner Star Wars figures kickin around somewhere.

Ya...kinda makes ya wanna go to mum & dad's and start searching:)
Phil's other thread on vending machines reminds me of getting the big GLASS bottles of soda out of the vending machine (god forbid you didn't have a bottle opener) that occassionally had a chip in the glass on the opening of the neck. Or the even older ones that had the lift up top that you had to figure out the maze of rails to get the soda out (I think that some funeral homes still have these).
oh, yeah, and gasoline with lead in it.... I used to love the smell of leaded exhaust fumes.... guess that would explain a lot:shrug:
i just remember that the cool kids had the big wheels...but the rich kids has the POWER WHEELS!

they were drivin' for real!
Originally posted by theletch1
Phil's other thread on vending machines reminds me of getting the big GLASS bottles of soda out of the vending machine (god forbid you didn't have a bottle opener) that occassionally had a chip in the glass on the opening of the neck. Or the even older ones that had the lift up top that you had to figure out the maze of rails to get the soda out (I think that some funeral homes still have these).
Ya..those vending machines were cool... I remember trying to sneak an extra bottle through by holding up the little trap door..(never had any luck) :(
I only remember Coke, Orange Crush, & Tahiti Treat in the machines though. And many chipped bottles:)
Originally posted by theletch1
Phil's other thread on vending machines reminds me of getting the big GLASS bottles of soda out of the vending machine (god forbid you didn't have a bottle opener) that occassionally had a chip in the glass on the opening of the neck. Or the even older ones that had the lift up top that you had to figure out the maze of rails to get the soda out (I think that some funeral homes still have these).

SOmeone I know just threw out a "converter" for old vending machines to dispesne cans instead of bottles.
Originally posted by kkbb
Ya..those vending machines were cool... I remember trying to sneak an extra bottle through by holding up the little trap door..(never had any luck) :(
I only remember Coke, Orange Crush, & Tahiti Treat in the machines though. And many chipped bottles:)
What about the old NiHi machines?
NiHI grape!! Pure sugar rush. I can remember my mother drinking Tab. God that stuff was awful. Remeber having to lug all the empty bottles back into the store for the return deposit?
Originally posted by theletch1
NiHI grape!! Pure sugar rush. I can remember my mother drinking Tab. God that stuff was awful. Remeber having to lug all the empty bottles back into the store for the return deposit?
I also remember pop tab chains! Tab, the worst aftertaste of any drink known to man. What about the guy in the white t-shirt and the black vest singing the Dr. Pepper song?

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