And The Answer Is


1. MCMAP, Marine Corps Martial Art Program

2. Boxing

3. 1948 Ford. (Super Deluxe, yellow convertible)

Nice job, guys.

1. Black Belt Magizine was first published in what year

2. founded the Shukokai school of karate

3. the tree which Buddha sat under when he attained enlightenment was the ..........

1. Black Belt Magizine was first published in what year

2. founded the Shukokai school of karate

3. the tree which Buddha sat under when he attained enlightenment was the ..........


1. 1961

2. Chojiro Tani

3. Bodhi Tree

1. Japanese-Canadian judo competitor and 3 time All Canada Judo Champion

2. Considered by many the father of American Judo

3. the boxer Joe Brown was known as

1. Japanese-Canadian judo competitor and 3 time All Canada Judo Champion

2. Considered by many the father of American Judo

3. the boxer Joe Brown was known as


Im going to disagree with the answers given for #2

1. Frank Hatashita

2. Henry Stone

3. OLD Bones

1. Founded Aikikendo

2. In judo a sleeve lifting hip throw

3. Wrote "Dynamic Karate" and was chife instructor of the Japanese Karate Association

1. Founded Aikikendo

2. In judo a sleeve lifting hip throw

3. Wrote "Dynamic Karate" and was chife instructor of the Japanese Karate Association


1. Momoji Sudoh

2. Sode Tsurikomi Goshi

3. Masatoshi Nakayama

1. Black Belt Kung Fu artist of the year 1980

2. Jeet Kune Do means what

3. William Louie's first instructor
1. Don't know

2. The way of the intercepting fist.

3. I believe it was a relative

1. who wrote "One Step sparring in Karate"

2. Orei is what

3. founder of the International Shotokan karate Federation

4. who was/is called "the JET"

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