And The Answer Is

2. Professor Tanaka and Mr. Fuji

4. James Bergman for the men somewhere around 1964
Lynn Roethke (sp) 1988

Buka I'll be back maybe Sat your doing a great job keep at it
Questions for Wednesday, August 27

1. In the infamous fight scene in the Roman Coliseum, how does Bruce Lee kill Colt at the end of the the film, Return of the Dragon?

2. High school acquaintances in Hawaii, Charlie Kalani Jr and Harry Fujiwara, became well known on TV in the United States as professional wrestlers in the 60's. What infamous tag team were they?

3. "I was born in 1931. My first Black Belt was in Judo. I have portrayed characters in film and on TV by the names of:
Tanaka, Udo, Mauna Loa, Mr Chong, Rico and Judo Student 1
Who am I?"

4. Who was the first American to win a world championship in Judo?


1. Guillotine choke

2. Professor Toru Tanaka and Mister Fuji

3. Ed Parker

4. Ann Maria De Mars (Ann-Maria Burns) Ronda Rousey's mom.
I think my computer is dying, so if I suddenly disappear for a while, that's why.

Questions for Thursday, August 28

1. According to The American Film Institutes's list of the top 100 grossing movies, world wide, all time - there are only two movies in the top 100 with a style of Martial Arts in their title. What movies? (hint - the second one is a sequel to the first)

2. One of the fight games most embarrassing days was on June 26, 1976 at the Nippon Budokan Arena in Tokyo Japan, an exhibition match between Muhammad Ali and professional wrestler Antonio Inoki.
What famous Martial Artist was the referee?

3. Tae-Kwon-Do became an official sport of the Olympics in the 2,000 Olympic Games in Sydney,Australia. Twelve years earlier, in the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea, it was an exhibition sport.
Women's Boxing became an official sport in 2012 at the London Olympics. Women's Boxing first appeared in the Olympic Games as a demonstration in what year.... or in what American city?
I think my computer is dying, so if I suddenly disappear for a while, that's why.

Questions for Thursday, August 28

1. According to The American Film Institutes's list of the top 100 grossing movies, world wide, all time - there are only two movies in the top 100 with a style of Martial Arts in their title. What movies? (hint - the second one is a sequel to the first)

2. One of the fight games most embarrassing days was on June 26, 1976 at the Nippon Budokan Arena in Tokyo Japan, an exhibition match between Muhammad Ali and professional wrestler Antonio Inoki.
What famous Martial Artist was the referee?

3. Tae-Kwon-Do became an official sport of the Olympics in the 2,000 Olympic Games in Sydney,Australia. Twelve years earlier, in the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea, it was an exhibition sport.
Women's Boxing became an official sport in 2012 at the London Olympics. Women's Boxing first appeared in the Olympic Games as a demonstration in what year.... or in what American city?


1.Kung-fu Panda and Kung-fu Panda 2

2. Judo Gene LaBell

3. 1904 St. Louis
Questions for Friday, August 29

1. Who was the first American to make Brown Belt in Judo?

2. Two boxing movies have won an Academy Award for Best Picture. One was Rocky. What was the other?

3. In the 1970's one state in the U.S. outlawed kick boxing matches. All sport fighting in this state was regulated by the state's boxing commission at the time. They declared that kicking in a fight was "dirty fighting" and could not be allowed in any competitions.
What was this state?

4. How many traditionalists does it take to change a light bulb?
4: Uh can you teach me the light bulb changing kata? I can`t do it otherwise you know, being traditionalist and all. :idunno:
I hope everyone reading this knows question number 4 was meant as a humorous interlude. :) and it was asked of me by a good buddy who's been a traditional Martial Artist since the sixties. I really liked it and thought I'd include it.
I hope everyone reading this knows question number 4 was meant as a humorous interlude. :) and it was asked of me by a good buddy who's been a traditional Martial Artist since the sixties. I really liked it and thought I'd include it.

I was just making a joke, didn`t mean to sound all serious :D
(gonna take a guess)
4. I almost guessed one but I'm i going to guess 0 cause they don't use light bulbs(i don't know...)
I was just making a joke, didn`t mean to sound all serious :D

I know, brother, I didn't take it like that. I just figured with the recent somewhat heated threads concerning TMAs and MMAs and the whole self defense conversations going on, I just wanted to be clearer than I usually am. :)
Questions for Friday, August 29

1. Who was the first American to make Brown Belt in Judo?

2. Two boxing movies have won an Academy Award for Best Picture. One was Rocky. What was the other?

3. In the 1970's one state in the U.S. outlawed kick boxing matches. All sport fighting in this state was regulated by the state's boxing commission at the time. They declared that kicking in a fight was "dirty fighting" and could not be allowed in any competitions.
What was this state?

4. How many traditionalists does it take to change a light bulb?


1. Teddy Roosevelt

2. Million Dollar Baby

3. Massachusetts

4. Change? You want to change something?
Questions for Saturday, August 30

1. The United States Marine Corps hand to hand fighting system is called what?

2. The first person to win Olympic Gold medals in both the Summer and Winter games was Eddie Eagen. He won for Bobsledding in 1932, but won Gold twelve years earlier in what Olympic sport?

3. In the original Karate Kid, what make of car did Miagi give to Daniel-san?

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